01. How you meet

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kind of short, sorry, it won't be like this all the time sksksk

"Hi... My— my name is (L/N) (F/N)... I— I hope we can be good friends" I stuttered as I introduced myself to the other 6-7 year olds
"Good job, (Y/N)" The teacher smiled at me and patted my back "You can take a seat at Midoriya's table"
"It's actually MY table!"

I turned to look at whoever said that and saw a boy with messy blond hair who stood on his chair.

"Okay, (Y/N), you can sit at Bakugo's table" the teacher rephrased

l nodded and went over to their table.

"Hi, I'm Midoriya" the boy with green hair and freckled face smiled at me
"Hey, what's your quirk?" Bakugo asked me with a frown
"Uhh— It's—"
Bakugo mockingly chuckled at me "Are you quirkless like Deku?"
"Who's Deku?" I asked without stuttering finally...
"Green boy next to you"

I didn't get to say anything since the teacher cut us off "Okay, everyone lets quiet down, you have recess to chatter and play"


Finally, recess time came around. I was thankful for Midoriya, because he didn't let me look like a loner on my first day. But we were mostly with Bakugo, which I soon found out he's a big meanie, and other kids.

"Hey, newbie you never told me your quirk" Bakugo, or Kacchan as Midoriya called him, asked me
I scratched the back of my head, "Well, the doctor said it's a unique quirk and most people don't even know what it is, but Scarlet Witch"

Midoriya's eyes widen, while Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"So you're a witch? Where's your pointy hat and broomstick?" Bakugo asked
"Kacchan! Her quirk is amazing, she can move things with her mind and her hands can emit this warping effect that can—"
"Shut up! I don't care, I bet you're not as strong as me!" Bakugo smirked
"Uhh— Well it's not a competition you know" I quietly said, but was knocked off my feet by Bakugo setting off a mini explosion near my face. He just laughed and put his hands on his waist.
"I knew it, you're just like Deku"

He said before walking away, leaving Midoriya to help me up. He told me how he had always been like that, even before he got his quirk. I don't know how Midoriya can stand him, this was my first time meeting Bakugo and I already hated him...



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