06. You hang out

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There could've been 2 other titles for this, "someone mistakes you as a couple" or "he gets jealous" a little jealous lolol, enjoy!!

Aizawa sensei had us do some quirk assessments and they were quite a handful.
First the ball throw, which I did pretty good in and got second place with 955.3 meters.
Then the 50 meter dash, I hated running with passion, so I took my time and got a whopping 7 seconds.
The standing long jump was the easiest for me, I used my quirk to help me levitate and jump effortlessly. Needless to say, I cleared the sandbox.
Next was the grip strength. I felt like that was a mehh category, I just used my quirk and gripped the bar with as much force as my quirk can take. I didn't know how much strength I had until I realized I beat the guy with dupli-arms.... I don't know my classmates names yet, okay?! Either way, I got 692.1kg.
We had other small assessments that took almost the whole day. When we were finally dismissed, I rushed to Bakugo's side. He shot me a deadly glare which would've sent little kid me running and crying back to my mom, good thing I wasn't a little kid anymore.

"What the fuck do you want, idiot?" He asked in his rough voice
I tilted my head, "You're mad, but you agreed to getting ice cream after school"
"I'm not fucking mad, shit witch!! I'm fucking pissed!!" He yelled at me as he walked past me, bumping my shoulder. "And I didn't agree to anything, now fuck off"

Mad, pissed? What's the difference?
But once again, If we were back in middle school I would've scrammed... Good thing we're not in middle school anymore!

"I will not 'fuck off', Izuku said he had somewhere to be and I don't wanna go home just yet" I trailed behind him like a lost puppy "Pleaseeeee, Katsuki~~" I pleaded and dragged out the ending of my words.

He stopped in his tracks making bump into him. Either I got him to hang out with me or he's gonna aggressively tell me fuck off once again.

Fine!" he started moving again "But only because I wanna get rid of you as soon as possible, freak witch"
"Works for me" I smiled even though he couldn't see me


"I heard this place has good boba, let's go here!" I exclaimed as I grabbed Katsuki's arm and tried to drag him in
"Oi! I thought we were going for fucking ice cream" he snatched his arm back still following me to the shop
"Who says we can't get both?" I opened the door
"Me, I fucking say—" Katsuki was cut off by one of the employees
"Hi, welcome to Kim's cafe! You can order when you're ready" the guy smiled at us
I sent back a smile "Thank you! Will do" I turned back to Bakugo, who had his hands on his pockets, and asked him what he wanted.
"Nothing" he replied
"You're getting a free drink here" I told him "Either way, you used to like strawberry, right? We'll get that"

Before he had any time to protest, I got the employees attention and ordered 2 bobas strawberry flavored.

"Will that be it?" he asked as I nodded "Great, these are on the house, don't worry about it"
My eyes widened, "Really?"
"Yeah... In exchange for your number"

I honestly wasn't attracted to the poor guy, but 2 free drinks in exchange for my number?! I can just give him a fake one... He wouldn't text me right now, would he?

"Oi!!" Bakugo yelled "Stop fucking flirting around and get the drinks ready, dickwad" he then slammed money on the counter "Keep your free drinks, but hurry the fuck up!"
"Sorry! Yes! Thank you! I'll be making them now!" the poor guy charged us and ran around the place to get our drinks as fast as he could. "H— here you go, I apologize"

Bakugo handed me my drink and took his and made his way to the door without me.

"Sorry about him, he's short tempered" I told the poor guy
"Yeah, I can tell... Sorry... I didnt know you guys were a couple..."
"Hnng" I choked on my drink "N—no! Uhh... W- were not dating... haha"
The guys eyes widened "Oh? So can I have your number?"

I rolled my eyes and ran after Bakugo.

"Katsuki! Wait up" I caught up to him, "Gee' thanks for slowing down"
"What the fuck do you want now, shit witch?!"
"Umm..." I thought of what that guy said when he mistook us for a couple, I felt my cheeks getting red so I drank more of my boba hoping it'll calm me down "I— I thought we were hanging out" I told him, "You know I could've gave him a fake number and we would've gotten free drinks"
"What fucking ever"

He wasn't pissed anymore... He was in an annoyed mood. Like he wanted to be left alone, for real this time. But I didn't wanna leave him just yet.

I scratched the back of my head and took a deep breath before asking him, "A— are you okay?"
"Eh?" he stopped in his tracks again and faced me, "Of course I am! Are you done asking stupid questions?!"
That wasn't convincing but I know better than to pry answers off of him. "You didn't let me pay, so we have to go to an ice cream place after this"
He groaned, "I'm tired and I need to fucking study, tomorrow, now leave me alone freak witch!"
I gasped "Tomorrow?"
Katsuki realized what he said, "No! That's
"Too late, I'll see ya tomorrow, Katsuki!"

I walked away before he had time to argue. He'll probably text me later telling me off about how he doesn't want to hang out tomorrow. If he does, i'll just ignore it, simple. I turned back to look at him, only to see him standing in the same place with his head down and hands in his pockets. He unexpectedly looked at my direction, surprised that I was already glancing his way. I waved a quick goodbye before making my way home.

I'm gonna do confessions next!!
I can't wait omg
i'm also gonna explain why he was 'pissed' next chapter too lolol

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