23. You get jealous

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okok, so i forgot what the games are called and i know y'all seen or played those racing games, so hopefully you guys know what in talking about ksjsjs same w the dancing game oop—
i didnt mean to make it this
long, enjoy!~~~~


It surprised me when Katsuki agreed to hang out with the rest of the Bakusquad. I suggested to them when we were in the cafeteria and of course, they all agreed. It was just my angry pomeranian who was reluctant about it, until he saw how excited I was, he couldn't help but to agree.
So here we are now, at the arcade running around trying to find games where we can challenge each other. The boys were set on fighting games, while Mina challenged me in a dancing game with those arrows. I heard that Mina is good at dancing, so I was kind of nervous about this one...

"Are you ready to get your ass kicked, (Y/N)?" She smirked as she put the credits in the game so we can play,
"You sound like Katsuki, not cool Mina, I almost fell for you" I joked as she chuckled,

She choose an easy song, which I surprisingly won. Though, when she choose a hard song, it was kind of hard keeping up. I kept missing my cues. One second the screen would tell me to stomp left, the next right, up and double down. Mina was easily winning as she didn't miss a single step. The song was finally over, meaning I could catch my breath.

"You let me win the first time?" I asked as I panted out of exhaustion
Mina giggles, "No, you won fair and square! The steps were too slow, I was waiting for things to speed up!"
"I appreciate your honesty" I caught my breath, "Let's go check on the boys"

She challenged me to a second round, which to I agreed but after I had a break. Meanwhile, the boys were still on their fighting game. It was Katsuki vs. Kirishima, they both looked concentrated... Well, Kirishima was the only one, Katsuki was more focused on winning. He kept slamming the buttons and moving around the little lever so the character would move around. Sero and Kaminari were just cheering on their bro's, Mina and I couldn't help but to join along. I was rooting for Kirishima, just to mess with Katsuki, which worked...

"Huh?! Oi, witch! You're suppose to be cheering me on, not shitty hair!!"

Once their match was over and Katsuki taking the win, a girl who I didn't notice before was clapping. She had bright yellow hair and golden eyes, making her look very pretty.

"Nice combination moves! I challenge you to a match!" She smiled at Katsuki as she walked past us to get to the game and held 2 tokens for them to play, I raised an eyebrow at her boldness.
"Tsk' no, I'm tired of this game" He put his hands on his pockets and started walking towards me.
The girl just chuckled, "Damn, and here I was thinking I had a worthy opponent"

This girl didn't know Katsuki, but she sure pushed one of his buttons. It made me feel... irritated. I wanted to tell her that only I can push his buttons like that and get away with it.... Apart from the some Bakusquad, but they're an exemption!

"I can beat you in the any game, lemon head!!"

Katsuki turned back around and took on the girls challenge.

"My name's Miwa by the way, but you can call me Iwa-chan if you'd like" she smiled at him once again, but Katsuki paid no attention
"Whatever, lets get this game started"

I almost didn't realize the double takes the Bakusquad we're giving at me and the girl.

"Uh— (Y/N), about that rematch..." Mina trailed off,
I cleared my throat, "Right! Lets go right now"
Her eyes widened, "I was gonna say, we can postpone it for another—"
"Nonsense! I'll beat you this time!" I told her trying to sound cheery "You guys stay here and tell me who wins!" I told the boys as they hesitantly nodded their heads

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