11. He sleeps over

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short chapter ahead 🥺


Normal POV

I excitedly dragged Katsuki to my messy room, after all he made an effort to come over late at night on a school night.

"Ever thought about cleaning this place?" He asked and looked around my room
"Many times, but then I loose motivation and I don't do it" I replied,

His eyes travelled to the picture we took at the aquarium that I had placed on the top corner of my mirror.

"We'll take more soon" I took his hand and guided him to my bed, we both plopped down side by side. I turned to look at him and admired his amazing features, he then turned his head towards me. "So, why did you want to come and see me all of a sudden?" I smiled at him
"Tsk, I was just bored too" He stated, even though I can totally tell it was a lie
"Hmm, so you weren't asleep?" I questioned as he shook his head no, "So you were ignoring my messages I sent?"

His eyes went blank, I let out a chuckle as I caught him.

"I won't make you say it, but I know you missed me" I looked forward again
"No, I didn't!" He growled "You think highly of yourself, witch"
I shushed him, "Could you be any louder? My parents are sleeping"
He pouted and looked away, "Yes, actually. I'm leaving now"

He got up for a brief second, but I grabbed his arm getting his attention.

"You barely just got here... Stay a little bit more.." I trailed off

He turned his head so I couldn't see him, but he looked like he was trying to suppress a smile.

"Fine" He laid back down,

I was also feeling kind of cold, so I wrapped my self in one of my blankets and of course shared it with Katsuki.

"Tsk, you're cold?" He asked as he stared at me being wrapped like a burrito
"Yeah, you're not?" I asked
"No, cause I have appropriate sleepwear. You're wearing fucking shorts and a thin shirt" He retorted

He rolled his eyes at me before scooping me in his arms giving me extra warmth. I can't believe this is actually happening... Katsuki Bakugo cuddling me?! I accommodated myself in his arms, which consisted of me placing my head on his chest near his neck and throwing one arm around him. Both of his arms were already around me, I almost had no space to move around.

"This is better" I mumbled as I suddenly got comfortable and sleepy
"Yeah, you're not wrong" he spoke back to me quietly, yet I still felt his chest vibrating


A few minutes passed by and I was still awake. I closed my eyes, but I just can't seem to stay asleep. I had used my quirk to turn off the lights, but the results were still the same.

"Katsuki" I whispered, we were in a dark environment so it just felt right to whisper instead of talking in a normal voice. But I got no response. I looked up at him, only to see him with his eyes closed. Huh, I should've guessed he had fallen asleep since his chest was rising up and down in a calm manner. Either way, it was cute! It made my heart do flips. "Didn't realize you fell asleep, goodnight, my little angry Pomeranian" I softly kissed his jaw making him react by holding me tighter. Smiling, I snuggled closer and closed my eyes one more time before drifting off to sleep.

i wish i had that 🥺


next up(:
↠ your parents find out
↠ first kiss/rainy days (first request uwu)
↠ you sleepover
↠ his parents find out

the last 2 might change, who knows


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