21. He helps you clean your room

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i finally updated !!


Weekend finally came and there was nothing better than sleeping in. First thing I did was, of course, check my phone only to see I had a few missed notifications from my angry pomeranian.

From: Katsuki 💥💖
I planned soemthing tpday

From: Katsuki 💥💖
Shit, something today* I was brushing my teeth

From: Katsuki 💥💖
Wake up, witch!!

From: Katsuki 💥💖
I'm not gonna pick you until 7pm anyway, nvm

I suddenly got excited. Katsuki planning our dates made me happy, I appreciate him trying in our relationship even though he was new to all these romantic things.

Why so late though? Don't you go to sleep at like 8, you nerd?

From: Katsuki 💥💖

From: Katsuki 💥💖

Even though they were texts, I can hear him yelling these things, which I found funny. I finally got up and went downstairs for some breakfast. For the mean time, I had nothing to do. I didn't make plans this weekend with any of my friends and my parents already said we weren't going anywhere for the weekend.
After I had breakfast, I went back up to my room, plopped down on my bed and started watching a random show. I wasn't that into it, which made me get bored easily. I sighed as I called the only person in mind.

'What's up, babe?'

I internally squealed, nicknames were not new to us anymore. But I couldn't help but get giddy every time he called me something other than witch.

''Suki~ do we have to go at 7? I'm kind of bored right now'
'Eh? 'Suki? Is that new or some shit?'
'Yes!! But that's not the point!'
He chuckled lowly, 'It has to be at night, but we can hang out for the mean time, I'm coming over'
'Wait why at night time?' I asked
'Tsk' you'll see, I'll be over in a few'

And with that he hung up, not giving me a chance to say bye. Well, at least he's coming...
A few minutes went by and I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I thought it was my mom coming to tell me something, but when I said come in, Katsuki was the one walking through the door.
Excitedly, I got up to greet him with a kiss, which he accepted gracefully, and dragged him to my bed where I was currently lazing away.

"This why you're always so bored, you do nothing besides binge watch" He said as soon as he saw what I was doing
"Well what else was I suppose to do?" I crossed my arm
"Fucking clean your room, why is so it messy?" He looked around and pointed around my dirty clothes and a few candy wrappers on the ground,
I groaned, "Are you gonna help me?"
"If it means you won't be bored, yeah" He got up again, "Besides, it might take us a while"
"What?! My room is not that messy"

He made me get up and start organizing my stuff. I showed him where my hamper was for my dirty clothes, the garbage, and where to put stationeries if he found any laying around. Katsuki picked up a pair of black jeans which were on my desk for some reason...

"Are these dirty? It seems like you wore them already?" He asked
"Oh, nah! I hung out with Mina last week and didn't feel like wearing jeans that day so I changed my outfit, they're clean" I said as Katsuki looked at me with a bewildered look
"Last fucking week and you couldn't put them away?!"
I scoffed... He did have a point, "What are you? My dad?"
He looked back at me with a smirk "No, but I can be your—"
"Not even my dad scolds me for that, chill" I cut him off "Oh, sorry, you were saying?"
"Nothing, princess"

An hour past and we were making a lot of progress. Katsuki had to constantly ask me if things were clean or not. If I didn't know, he'd just throw it in the hamper.

"What about this?"
"Yeah that shirt is clean, you can put it in that drawer" I pointed at the second drawer that was below my big mirror. I watched him as he folded the shirt neatly but I gasped in horror and got up from the floor when he started to open the wrong drawer "No! Not that—"

Too late... Katsuki had accidentally opened my drawer where I kept all my undergarments. He quickly shut but wouldn't turn to me.

"Oi, w— witch! You pointed at the first one!" He argued with his back turned to me
"I clearly pointed at the second one, dummy!"

He tsk'ed and put the shirt on the corresponding drawer. We both went back to our task after that awkward-ish moment, but I had to admit... Seeing Katsuki being flustered like that was kind of funny, especially the reason why.
After many explanations as to why some clothes are clean and some were not, a full garbage bag, my desk and nightstand organized and dusted we had finished. I occasionally had breaks in between and made Katsuki take them with me even though he didn't want to.

"It's almost 7 do you just wanna go to whoever you're taking me?" I asked him
He looked at the time himself and looked out the window, "Yeah, right now would be good"

Katsuki told me to dress in something comfortable yet warm. I picked out some sweatpants and a hoodie, which he approved. I went to the bathroom to get changed and once I was out, we were on our way. Of course, I had to tell my parents where we were going. Katsuki couldn't give away where he was taking me, but he couldn't lie to my parents either. So he just responded with,

"It's date night..."

With a very tinted face from blushing. After we were out the door I couldn't help but to hug and kiss him. He smiled softly and returned both the hug and kiss.

"We gotta stop by my house for a few things though" He said taking my hand in his,
"Lead the way, babe"


two updates in one !!

i have an "important" authors note at the end of the next chapter :)

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