32. You Hear Him Sing

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sorry it took so long to publish :(
requested by: Yukkitaro


Class was over for the day and the training exercises weren't exactly the easiest today. Aizawa sensei said we were free for the day and we could either stay and train some more or go back to the dorms. Some choose the latter, including me.

"Im gonna leave my door unlocked, so whenever you're done you can come in" I told Katsuki as we walked together to the changing rooms
"Unlocked you say?"

I heard Mineta comment and radiate uncomfortable vibes, even though we were way in front of the rest of the class. Katsuki turned his head to look at Mineta.

"Oi! You better stay the fuck away from her room you purple midget grape!" Katsuki sent a threat to Mineta making him shudder in fear.
Mina sighed, "At least you have someone to take care of you from Minetas disgusting thoughts, (Y/N)"
I smiled and grabbed Katsuki's hand to swing it back and forth "I'm very lucky, aren't I"


After getting permission from Dadza— Aizawa sensei... Mina, Kaminari, Uraraka, Sero and I decided to get some bubble tea. We had no choice but to walk of course. It wasn't that far anyway, so we didn't mind.

"Man, I'm tired from all those exercises we had to do" Sero started as he stretched his arms while walking. "By the way! Those were some cool moves, Uraraka! Where did you learn all that?"
Uraraka smiled and thanked him "At Gunhead's agency! He taught me a lot of self defense" She replied, "But it's still not enough to defeat Bakugo, no offense (Y/N)"
"None taken! I, too, am waiting for the day to defeat that little gremlin" I replied,
"You guys are so cute!" Mina coo'd "I like how he's only soft for you"

Well our relationship is fluffy but there are times where Katsuki can't handle the fluff and his mind just goes blank.

"Katsuki, I'm here!" I said as I entered his room after his mom answered the door and greeted me with a hug
He surprised and with a tint of red covering his cheeks, "Y-you didn't tell me you were coming over, witch!"
"I know, that's called a surprise visit. Plus I got some snacks for us so we can have a movie night" I showed him the bag from the convenience store

He stared at me a few seconds and rubbed his nape.

"Tsk, Im not complaining but tell me next time!" Katsuki told me with a pout as he plopped down on his bed with his arms crossed
"You're not mad at me, are you?" I questioned just in case I read his body talk wrong
"What?! No! Why would you—" He sat up and cut himself off, "O— oi, stop looking all cutesy, witch"

I wasn't even aware I was looking 'all cutesy' I was just standing there... I sat down next to him and placed the bag of goodies between us. Hmm, it looks like Katsuki is having one of those moments where he's feeling something other than rage.

"Okay... How do I do that?" I asked curious as to what his reply would be since I knew he was probably feeling 'happiness' right now he just didn't know how to express it.
"Tsk, I don't know... Let's shut up and watch a movie" He said once again, "It's your turn to pick by the way"

Finally, we reached our destination and ordered our drinks. We decided to stay there and chill for a bit before going back to UA.

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