66. You get jelous pt.2

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"I'll admit you've improved a lot" Katsuki smirks as I knock him down again from a distance.

We were having a rematch in a bigger place than when we first fought. It was an arena just like the sports festival and good thing too because we were making a lot of mess. The surprising thing was that this battle rematch was on our free time yet a lot of teachers stopped by to watch us. Including our classmates and some from other classes.

"Thank you for noticing! It'll be hard to get close to me so good luck with that" I remarked as I waited for his next attack. I knew he had also been practicing new moves and all, but with what Wanda Maximoff taught me I feel practically invincible.

Whenever Katsuki tried to get close to me I'd simply move out of the way or push him away with my quirk. Katsuki threw so many explosions and some of those mini grenades at me, but I managed to dodge only some. But that wasn't even close to knocking me down like I did with him.

"Come on, do a trick!"
"Do something cool!"

Our classmates were yelling.

"Knock his ass out, (Y/N)!"
"Bakugo you can't let her win!"

The crowd, that I didn't even notice was starting to form, started picking sides. I know it definitely gave Katsuki an ego boost and adrenaline. I knew I'd do anything to win now. Soon enough things started to get more intense as I started to throw the concrete of the arena at Katsuki. He had to either dodge or destroy them and while he was too busy doing that, I had a strong chance to catch him off guard and completely knock him out.

"Come on Bakugo!!"
"Nice one (Y/N)!!"
"Do another cool trick!"

Just when we were both about to unleash our powers Cementoss build some walls between me and Katsuki but it wasn't enough to stop us. We both made gaping holes in the walls with our quirks which clashed with each other but with one big push, my quirk overpowered Katsuki's which sent him flying out of bounds and into the ground.

"(Y/N)! The woman!" I heard Mina yell as the applause snaps me out of my trace.

I look to the side to see a lot of people some who I don't even recognize. Mr. Aizawa was there, Midnight, principal Nezu, plus All Might who had his mouth open. I smiled and huffed, time to check on my boyfriend. I quickly race to his side.

"Well done witch" Katsuki says as he coughs "I'm only gonna say this once... That blow... fucking hurt"
"Are you okay? What hurts?" I asked
"Stomach" He winced
I bit my lip "Lets go to recovery girl"

The teachers approached me asking if I needed help but I assured them I can take Katsuki by myself. They praised me for my improvement and my win. I wasn't sure they should've done that in front of Katsuki knowing how he could get but I quickly thanked them and left to Recovery girl's office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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