37. Bakugo has a stalker

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ok so this has 3 requests in it which are
bakugo has a stalker, someone tries to ruin your relationship, & he cheats on you by @juminhan23 @animefreak58 & ItzCokkie

bakugo would never EVER cheat, he's a good boy w anger issues <3 butttttt you guys just have to read to find out what i did 😗

hope you enjoy !! it's kind of long w 2.6k words lolol


"Another one??" I scoffed annoyingly as Bakugo opened his locker and a love letter fell out
"Tsk why are you getting all pouty, witch. It's not like I open them" He said as he handed it to me.

It's true, he doesn't open them and doesn't even care that he gets love notes but I do! I always open them because I wanted to know what they were saying about my boyfriend! So I opened the envelope with the the heart shaped sticker on the front.

Hi Bakugo-kun ❤️
I saw you walking back to your dorm and noticed how your muscles definitely got bigger and you look handsome as ever! I hope to confess to you soon. ❤️

"Oi witch you look like you're about to kill someone" Katsuki said as he closed the locker and took the note away from me. He balled it up in one first and threw it away.
"They said they saw you walking back to the dorms and they can't wait to confess to you" I angrily said, almost taking on his personality "They watch you and that's kinda creepy... don't you think?"
"Tsk' no" He simply replied "If they confess Ill just fucking reject them and move on, you have nothing to worry about witch"

Something still didn't sit right with me. Maybe I was just getting jealous but for now Katsuki's right. He's not that type of man to cheat, heck, he hates when somebody lies! I snapped out of my thoughts when somebody bumped into me. They didn't even apologize, they just kept on walking with their head down.

"Oi, fucking apologize to my girlfriend!"
"Girlfriend?" The person snapped their head up and revealed a girl with pretty black hair. She bowed and said "I'm so sorry" The girl quickly walked away.
"That was weird..." I trailed off
"That was rude, get your mind right witch. Don't let people walk over you"


"Your secret admirer could be watching you right now" I told Katsuki as we made our way back to our dorms hand in hand
"Tsk, shut up. I told you don't worry about it, witch" He sighed "Why are you not letting this go?"
"I don't know... It just feels creepy. Like last week they said that you should smile more, they also complimented your muscles and to be honest yeah going to the gym is paying off your arms look great" I chuckled as he slightly blushed and avoided my gaze, "Plus they knew which locker you have!"
"I guess that's pretty creepy, but whatever"

I was slightly annoyed that he wasn't taking this seriously, but what else can I do besides actually doing what he said and not worry about it...

"Oh by the way, I'm going to train with Midoriya and the rest tomorrow, wanna come with?" I changed the topic
"Tsk' no" He quickly replied "Why would I go train with those extras?"
"Last time you got pouty because I didn't tell you"
"S— shut up! I wasn't pouty, you're imagining things"


Training with the Deku squad day finally came! I was excited because Todoroki and I would be practicing our move from last time. Just as I was going to the many gyms UA has, I saw a very familiar purple haired boy.

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