65. Dancing in the rain/Bakugo cries

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hiiino note for right now just sorry this took foreverrrr requested by; @ouiya1

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no note for right now just sorry this took foreverrrr
requested by; @ouiya1


After that one visit from Katsuki, I was suddenly more motivated to learn and to test my limits. Soon enough, I was introduced to Spiderman himself.

"Listen, uhh— I don't want to hurt you"
"I wouldn't worry about that" I say as I avoided his webs and kept trying to throw him off track.

I always cut his webs when he tried swinging so now he resorted to sticking to the walls and jumping from place to place to try and bring me down.

"Be honest" I panted, tired from this combat "How do you think this is gonna end?" I asked as I threw a big energy blast his way which he quickly dodged
"Well... I see that you're tired and I'm getting pretty exhausted myself so..." He trailed off as he tried to web my feet but I shielded myself before he could "Truce?"

I looked at him suspiciously, this could be a trick but he put both his hands up surrendering and walked slowly towards me. If he tried to use his webs I'd probably catch him before he moved his arm. But I slowly started to approach him as well, he extended his right arm for me to shake. Still hesitant, I reached out my hand but I had this feeling that he was going to try something and it did.
In a millisecond I sent spiderman flying back with a powerful energy blast and he webbed me up making me fall to the ground.

"Okay, we'll call it a tie" I hear Wanda say "Hard to say who had the upper hand but you both did good"
"I'd like to get out of these webs please" I say as I squirm around trying to break free while still on the floor
"I can't feel my chest" Spider-man groans "It feels like there's a giant hole in the middle"

After being taken care of I learn more about spiderman and eventually get his number so we can keep in contact as friends and heroes. I told him about Sero and his quirk and it perked up spider-man's interest.

"Well if I even go to Japan you'll have to introduce me to your friends" Spider-man says
"Of course, I'd love to! Well it was great meeting you, hopefully we'll see each other soon!"

I was getting ready to leave to the airport to go back to Japan. In a way I was excited but I was just getting used to the states and having Wanda training me. Speaking of Wanda she showed me a lot of tricks and moves I didn't know we could do or were possible and I couldn't wait to try them on my classmates.

Once I said my goodbyes to the Avengers team, Happy drove me to the airport and helped me with my luggage. I also said my goodbye to him and thanked him for all the rides and guidance. They called my plane and off to the gate I went.


I'd like to say it was a quick plane ride but that'd be a total lie. It was boring, tiring, and long but at last, i'm in Japan looking for my teachers that are suppose to pick me up from the airport.

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