14. His parents find out

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i LOVE Mitsuki


"Your mom is still lovely as always" I say as I got up out of his bed and follow him out his bedroom,

I already knew Katsuki's parents, I also knew Izuku's mom since we all grew up together. Honestly, Mitsuki used to scare me, but I got over it long time ago.

"There you are brat, hurry up and help— oh! (Y/N)!" She changed her tone as she saw me  she placed the groceries on the island "What a surprise to see you! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, I hear you're in UA too! I'm so proud of—" She looked at me up and down "Are— are you wearing Katsuki's clothes?"

I forgot I was wearing them, I was about to answer saying it wasn't what it looks like when my boyfriend beat me to it.

"Yeah and what about it, old hag?! We both got rained on and got our uniforms wet" He yelled
Mitsuki's eyes went sinister again, "I wasn't talking to you, useless brat! Go help your father"

She went over to Katsuki and grabbed him by the ear. She dragged him to the door and tossed him outside where I assume his father was. Even though, he was now outside, I could still hear him yelling at his mom.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, (Y/N)? The rain looks like it's not going to calm down any time soon" She sent a smile at me
"Umm, sure! I just have to call my mom to let her know"

She nodded and let me be. I quickly called my mom telling her where I was and that I'll be staying for a while. She was fine with it since I also told her Katsuki's parents were here too, but she wished me 'luck' with the Bakugo's as a joke. Mitsuki was overjoyed that I was staying for dinner. She completely ignored her son that was screaming and complaining at her. Once Katsuki & Masaru we're done with the groceries, Mitsuki began preparing everything.
Katsuki dragged me back to his room and began ranting on about his mom. I just laid on his bed watching him pace back and forth.

"Chill, your mom is awesome" I cut off his ranting,
"The hell did you just say witch?" He stopped pacing and got close my face
I kissed his nose which changed his demeanor, "I said what I said, now come cuddle, I'm still cold"

Katsuki didn't say anything back, he just rolled his eyes and came to cuddle by my side.


"(Y/N)! It's dinner time!" Mitsuki sing-sang, "Useless brat!! Get down here it's time to eat"

Much like Katsuki, her demeanor also changed making me laugh.

"Don't tell me when to come down, old hag!" Katsuki growled back,
"Hey, are you gonna tell your parents about us?" I asked as he grabbed my handed and guided me downstairs
"They'll figure it out" he pouted as we reached the dinning room,

Katsuki made me sit next to him while his parents across from us. Mitsuki and Masaru got everything ready and served us a plate. We started eating in silence, but Mitsuki was the first one to speak.

"So (Y/N), are you guys working on an other project?"
"Uhh" I trailed off looking at Katsuki for an answer, but he didn't bat an eye "Yeah, more or less"
"More or less?" She asked
"(Y/N) last time we saw you was when you and Katsuki were working on that hero project in middle school" Masaru began talking, "And this is just a guess but... Are you two dating?"

Mitsuki almost choked on her drink. I was loss for words, that was a very good guess... I wonder what gave it off. Either way, I didn't know what to say. So I looked at Katsuki, who was already looking at his dad.

"How'd you know, old man?" He asked with a neutral expression
"Both of your book bags are by the couch, what kind of project would you be doing without book bags?" He pointed at living room
"Tsk' yeah we're dating"

Mitsuki was the first one to react by gasping loudly.

"Oh my god!! (Y/N) welcome to our family!" She suddenly got up from her chair and went over to hug me which I returned,
"Let go of her, old hag!! You're suffocating her!"
Although she didn't let go of me, she turned to her son "Shut up, useless brat! You better treat her right or I'm coming for you! I brought you into this world and I can take you out in a matter seconds!"
"Of course I'm going to treat her right, old hag! Who do you take me for?"

Mitsuki let me go just to yell at her son. As they were arguing and yelling at each other back and forth, Masaru looked at me with a smile.

"Im glad you're dating my son, (Y/N), he might  have a short temper but he'll treat you right" He said before taking another bite of his food.
"Thank you" I shot him a smile too
He then looked at his loving wife and son, "Hey, guys that's enough. We don't want to scare off (Y/N)"

They immediately stopped their bickering and we went back to eating. Overall, it was a good dinner. Though, Mitsuki had to go an extra mile and went out to get desert since she didn't bake anything, leaving Katsuki and I alone again.

"Looks like we don't have to hide from anyone now" I looked up Katsuki as we laid on his bed once again
"That's a relieve, that dunce face won't flirt with you anymore" he replied
"When was the last time you changed your bedsheets?"

ugh, i SUCK at endings

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