Chapter 1: Humanity's Come Back Part 1

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Two years ago the titans somehow were able to break through the walls and enter one of them, when Ayane got word of it that just further lit up the fire in her to join the scouts in the future.

But like every cadet, she'd have to go through the Training Corps first.

So here she was standing there with her arms crossed behind her back, back straight and eyes ahead, though her expression was stoic as ever as she ignored the other cadets being 'interrogated' by Commander Shades.

"And who the hell are you!!?" Shadis shouts in her face.
"Sir! My name is Ayane!" Ayane replies with a firm voice and salutes him.
"No last name?" Shadis scoffs.
"I don't need one," Ayane replies bluntly.
"That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard! So why the hell are you here?" Shadis asked.
"I plan to join the Survey Corps to help them search beyond the walls!" Ayane replied.
"Tsk, you'll only be titan food!!" Shadis scoffed.
"I do no fear them nor do I not fear death," Ayane replied.

That caught Shadis off guard as well as shocked others around the two, Shadis looked at the young girl's expression and realized this seemed to be true...she didn't seem to care that if she joined them she could die...

"Turn yourself around you damn brat!" Shadis says after a moment.

Ayane didn't react much just followed orders, she ignored it when the Commander of the Training Corps went off to Jean, Connie and then Sasha...though what Sasha was doing made Ayane secretly smirk.

'Girl has guts.' Ayane thought.

After the day was done and over with the girls were sent to their shared room and Ayane decided to get their first as she began to quickly clean it all up squeaky clean since it made her wanna barf at how dirty it was.

Dinner time rolled around and Ayane was sitting alone while the others were surrounding some kid who saw the titans who broke through the walls of his home town. That wasn't Ayane's interest...but it was beginning to get annoying as they wouldn't shut up about it and where getting louder too.

When no one would shut up about it Eren remembered what happened to his mom and froze up, though when they apologized after Marco explained they shouldn't have him relive what happened Eren didn't care and stated next that he'd be fine with going to the Survey Corps and send the titans back to hell.

'Hm? So he plans to join too huh?' Ayane thought.

That's when the guy named Jean decided to smugly make a remark towards Eren about joining the Survey Corps. The next thing that Ayane watch happened, Jean and Eren were about to get into some stupid fight until the bell rang. Saved by the bell huh? Rolling her eyes she sighed and got up from her seat and headed for the door passing by the two of them.

"Who was that?" Eren asked.
"Her? Oh, that's Ayane, apparently, she wishes to join the scouts as well." Armin says.
"She does?" Eren asked.
"She's also a bit of a clean freak...I caught her cleaning the girl's dorm before she arrived here." Mikasa explains.
"Wait really?" Eren asked shocked.
"So that's why people said she smelled like cleaning products or something..." Armin mutters.

And with that everyone turned in for the night.


The first thing they were to do was try to balance themselves for when they would then be taught how to use the ODM gear, Ayane aced it as when it had been her turn she just somewhat sat there with a bored expression on her face. Wasn't like she did this before as her family pretty much trained her ahead of time which gave her some leverage to pass certain parts.

AOT - Shattered Hearts [Eren Yeager x OC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz