Chapter 55: Attack Titan

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||A/N: Yes this picture is Ayane Ackerman of the state she's currently in for this chapter.||

Back then Grisha had watched Kruger pretty much squeeze a man to death then afterwards toss the body into the sea, moments after Kruger exited his titan's body from the nape of the neck. He freed Grisha from his restaurants and later introduced himself as Eren Kruger, confirming that he held one of the rare people in this world who held the power of the nine titans.

Grisha though still questioned why he was still left as a human, that his wife Dina who was of royal blood could've been the one to make use of a titan power. He then went on to ask the man why he decided then to transform into a titan and not before though Kruger couldn't answer as his body began to grow weak and his nose continued to bleed.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so pale?" Grisha asked.
"It wasn't only your comrades, I severed several fingers from Subjects of Ymir...I've created countless titans. From men, women and children. All the while telling myself it was for Elida. I'm sorry, Grisha, time is short. I'm entrusting you with this last task. There's no one else I can trust to see it through." Kruger explains.

After that, he went to explain as much as he could in such little notice that the two of them had, why he chose him and why it simply had to be Grisha to pull everything off that would carry the future events and hopefully bring peace to Elida along with ensuring the Okumura clan's survival.

However, as soon as Grisha asked what this task was Kruger explained that Grisha was to enter the walls, gain access to the Founding Titan and take it by force and once he accomplished that find a member of the Okumura clan and begin their plans to save the Eldian Empire to end this horrible history of blood and death for their people.

Not to mention he explained to Grisha that he had to eat him alive along with the fact that there came a price for this power and it was that the user would only last 13 years after they gained the power of one of the nine titans.

                                                                   **Current Time**

Eren sat in his cell with the Okumura book still on his lap as he recalled everything from his father's memories, Armin being the one to write everything down. And since this was labelled the 'Curse of Ymir' it meant that for right now Armin had all of 13 years left to live whereas Eren only had 8 years left.

Mikasa refused to believe that as she sat on the cold floor of her own cell as she listened in to the conversation the boys were having, just then though Armin realized something about Ayane and needed to know.

"Wait what about that Okumura book you've been clinging onto this whole time? Isn't it about Ayane?" Armin asked.
" holds a curse inside it though..." Eren frowns.
"A curse?" Armin asked.
"Its contents....are just horrible to read," Mikasa muttered.

Neither of them liked to remember what had happened but either way, Armin had a right to know what has all Eren began to explain it all as memories of that moment returned.

                                                                  **Flash Back**

"Wait look at this it has the Okumura name on it," Hange says.
"Could this possibly have information about Ayane's bloodline?" Mikasa asked.
"Is very possible, let's give it a quick read before we return," Hange replied.

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