Chapter 20: Smile - Assault On Stohess Part 1

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Annie had just woken up from her dream when she was back home with her father who was training her on how to fight, with a sigh she later got ready for the day since she seemed to have slept in. When she arrived with the others in the Military Police she was teased but just ignored it.

Not like it even mattered to her anyway...

Those who were waiting for further orders just gained one where they'd have to escort the Scouts who were going to be passing through soon. One asked the true purpose of these orders which just lead this lazy soldier to pass the responsibility off to someone else.

The soldiers who weren't in the higher-ups were left with doing all the dirty work while those with high ranking spots were able to sit around all day doing nothing feeling so high and mighty about stuff while taking all the damn credit.

As Marlo and the others did their usual rounds his eyes caught the sight where he believed that they were illegally selling government property, when he was controlling them sadly it was turned against him and was pretty much beat up for that...until Annie stepped in and stopped it.

Marlo not wanting to accept such lies and horrible treatment slowly with a shaky hand reached for the gun he dropped when Annie spoke up, telling him that he should if he so wished...she wouldn't stop him in fact she might just help him as well.

But in the end, he couldn't and just punched the ground under him.

By the time hours had soon passed and slowly the Scouts were arriving to pass through, each solider of the MP's were lined up with their salutes over their chest as the MP escorts followed with the Scouts along with them.

When they all passed by Annie and the others ran off to continue on with their duty but Annie stopped when she heard her name being called out, waiting for a moment she then ran off to where she thought she heard the voice and seen the person run off to only to find out it was Armin.

"Armin?" Annie asked.
"So uh...what's with the outfit?" Annie asked after a moment.
"Why I'm in the rain gear? It's a makeshift disguise. Enough to hide my ODM gear. See?" Armin explains showing her.
"What's this about?" Annie asked.
"Annie, we have a plan for Eren to escape and we're hoping you'll help us. Ayane was injured pretty badly but she's slowly getting back into good condition the Commander though still doesn't want to risk we're hoping you could assist us." Armin explains.
"Wait...escape to where? Stuck behind these walls, where could you possibly hide that they can't find you?" Annie asked.
"We only need to hide for a short while, this isn't immunity we have every intention returning...just until Eren is safe and Ayane is able to heal up completely for further travel," Armin explains.

Armin further explains that it also means they could slowly gather some evidence for Eren's case due to the fact that he'll be taken from the Scouts...they just needed to have the time needed to do that.

"You're serious about this? How can you be so sure the evidence exists? And what is it?" Annie asked.
"I can't say...I'm sorry." Armin explains.
"How did one of the most top Scouts get so injured she'd have to go into hiding?" Annie asked.
"The Commander thinks someone is after Ayane...I'm sorry that's all I can say...Ayane doesn't want anything else about her to be said and I want to respect that." Armin explains.

Which was true, Ayane did give Armin permission to tell people that she just injured and couldn't fight just yet but was slowly incomplete recovery and could use ODM gear if needed but she'd have to take it easy in order for her healing injuries to not get worse.

"Sorry Armin, I'm going to have to decline. My lips are sealed though, best of luck." Annie tells him after a small sigh.
"Hold on! Annie, please! They're going to kill Eren! And you and I both know if that happens Ayane will fight and she could possibly lose her life as well! Then an all-out war will happen between the Scouts and MP's because there are lots of higher-ranking officers in the Scouts who love Ayane!" Armin pleas with her.

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