Chapter 37: Old Story

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                                                                    **Few Days Ago**

Every one of the Levi squad had sat around the table as they began eating their meals together, once the story of Ayane's so-called 'origins' was finished Historia began to explain about her own she was born into a rather horrible time as her mother wasn't royalty as her father was...then there was the fact that her own mother treated her like garbage.

Whenever she tried to get close to the woman, Historia's mother would just push her away or run off muttering how she should've just got 'rid of it' ahead of time. Not to mention later her own mother had moved away, Historia herself witnessed Kenny pretty much murdering her own birth mother as her father stood at her side moments after meeting him.

But just when Kenny was about to kill her as well...her father decided to give out a plan where Historia would live out her life elsewhere with an entirely different name, far away from this place that they were.

And from then on Historia wore her new identity...Krista Lenz...

                                                               **Current Time**

Historia's father hugged her close to him as he seemed glad to be reunited with his daughter, Eren on the other hand just laid there tied up as his mind worried about Ayane's condition since he wasn't sure if she was still alive or dead due to the last thing he saw and heard from her.

'Please be alive...' Eren thought.

Her father went on to explain about the royal blood that ran through her veins as well as the half-royal blood that ran through Ayane's. Now that caught Eren's ears as he listened in.

"How does any of this have to do with, Ayane?" Historia asked.
"Miss Ayane comes from a special bloodline that can handle and wield the power of titans. It's a powerful gift that our Founder has given to their clan since the beginning of time. Mostly because our Founder and the first head of the Okumura clan were best friends before their fall." Mr.Reeis explains.

After that, he had asked Historia to follow him as he was to show her where it all started...of what the Royal family have started and kept going for years upon years.

                                                     **Elsewhere: With Hange**

Hange and Moblt had placed the two men in a cell together and watched as the two argued along with one nearly strangling the other for stupid stuff among things. Though just as quickly Hange admitted that no one was told anything since one of them was forced at knifepoint to read off of what was on a paper that they had previously written up.

Horrified at the fact that he revealed some things he let go of the other guy and just cried, after a moment of chatter between them Hange left and once she was done with kicking chairs and tables around she followed Levi to inform the others of what the enemy has planned.

"So they intend to eat Eren? And take Ayane away?" Armin asked.
"Yeah," Hange replies.
"Let me guess either they take me with my memories or they'll figure a way to erase them." Ayane scoffed.
"What's with you today?" Jean asked.
"You're remembering the past, aren't you?" Levi asked Ayane after she didn't respond.

Ayane didn't utter a word but just slowly nodded her head, while everyone was discussing things she had a brief moment of flashes seeing people she didn't know in the room with all of them but then suddenly they were gone. Ayane groaned a bit in pain as the sharp pain entered her skull and stayed there but slowly began to die down again.

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