Chapter 73: Judgment

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The rain began to fall even harder as Levi lay there his eyes blank as he stared at his daughter who tried to approach him but in the end due to her own injuries from the blast had fallen unconscious for the time being. Though to him for some reason, she looked if she never wanted anything like this to happen.

'Brat...' Levi thought.

Hange was horrified at the mere sight the father and daughter duo were in as she held Levi in her arms just as Floch held Ayane in his own as he called out for his Lieutenant but sighed in relief when he found a pluse later informing those around them of her still being alive. It didn't take too long for Ayane to finally wake up.

"Lieutenant?" Floch asked.
"I'm fine..." Ayane sighed.
"What happened?" Floch asked.
"A fight happened, and I finished it. Go find Zeke." Ayane coughed out a bit then slowly sat up with a little bit of help from Floch.
"Are you sure?" Floch asked.
"I'll be fine." Ayane waved him off.

With the state of Captain Levi, Ayane quickly took credit for it and when Hange gave Ayane a look all the young girl did was give her a knowing silent look. When the soldiers finally noticed a titan it was their sole reaction that left Ayane time to say a few choices words to Hange shocking her in the process before Ayane took the chance to look to see where her soldier's attention still was and pushed her aunt and father into the waters while pretending to be weakened as if she was trying to stop him.

This led Hange and Levi to escape safely elsewhere so they could recover and regroup with anyone they could, later on, Floch ordered for a solider to help Ayane but she just brushed that off and stated she'd be heading back to where Eren was ahead of time and to get her a damn horse. Without question, she was given one and soon she was off back to where the fight was soon beginning.

'How odd...I saw her again yet this time she was crying as if begging me for something...' Ayane thought.

At the same time, however, Eren still in his titan form was staring up at the Marleyen soldiers that were slowly descending down towards where the battle was now about to begin. Not to mention they seemed to have deployed things as well for the Cart Titan...not that it would be a problem since soon enough Ayane would be at his side and they'd take on Marley in full force when needed.

All he had to do was hold them off until she arrived, something he could do in the meantime.

A brief battle between him and the Jaw Titan issued that allowed Pieck to transform into her own titan form and get Gabi out of there quickly to regroup with the others who finally arrived. Not that it mattered to Eren anyways.

'I can't believe Marley was desperate enough to try something like this, they're practically coming in blind. Putting the rest of their military at risk.' Eren thought as he looked up to the sikes covered with a few of Marley's airships.

Yelena tried to get Eren to get out of his titan and hide in the underground. Still, honestly, it wasn't the idea Eren was having as he refused and moved off of the building they were on but not without using a titan finger to stroke Baby Carla's head who was in the arms of Oyankopon this time.

'Let's do this, Reiner. Of course, you are here. Who else could talk Marley into doing something so stupid? Ayane was right you'd come up with a stupid plan to get Marley to act quick but it won't work in your favour.' Eren thought.

And just after that Reiner transformed into his own titan, once he landed, however, their battle began, Yelena ordered the soldiers to protect Eren just until Lady Ayane had arrived and even then give her aid if she needed it like extra supplies and gear in order to fight. As their battle raged on Pieck managed to get Gabi off to safety when she was with Magath it was clear the man was worried about her in his own way.

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