Chapter 7: Response - Struggle For Trost Part 5

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"I'M HUMAN!!" Eren shouted back.

Things just went from bad to worse as the Garrison didn't care about Eren's answer and went ahead to kill the four cadets aways, Ayane gasped when she felt herself being tugged back and hitting Erens chest only to later be sitting on her ass staring up in shock at the titan form around her protecting all of them from the cannon fire.

While Kitz decided to give orders to try again Ayane quickly got to her feet and stood in front of Mikasa and Armin with her blades out glaring at the man, meanwhile Eren woke up from inside the titan and quickly got himself of out the upper half of the titan he transformed into.

'Commander Erwin will hear about this you bastard, good luck on ever getting on my father's good side again...if it was up to me you'd be dead for this.' Ayane thought.

"Eren protected us, Armin. That's all we need to know from now on." Mikasa tells him when he spoke in shock and fear it seemed.
"We're not out of the woods yet you two, they're getting ready for a second fire," Ayane comments shocking the two.
"Armin! Mikasa! Ayane!, hey are you guys alright?" Eren asked as he ran from behind the titan.
"Eren how did you-" Armin started.
"I don't know, but look it's already starting to vaporize just like the corpse of a titan. Let's get out of here." Eren says.
"Not a good idea, we still have a cannon aimed at us. I overheard him giving the order for a second fire." Ayane states.
"Hard to tell if they're lying and waiting or just totally dazed, I suppose it doesn't matter much either way. I'm sure once the smoke clears they'll attack, after seeing this I think we've blown any reasoning with them. The cellar...I'm starting to remember, this key, our house. My father said we have to go back there everything hinged on it, I think it's why he gave me the power to transform if I can get back to our cellar I might learn the titan's secrets." Eren explains.

Titans secrets? That reminded Ayane of something her uncle once said to her...

"My father once believed that we humans within the walls weren't the last of humanity...that there was something else that no one would speak of...which means firefly, our mission is to uncover if what my father believed is to be true." Erwins voice rang in her head.

'Did Eren's father know of life beyond these walls....? Or was Uncle's father wrong?' Ayane thought.

"Why did he keep this stuff secret? How many thousands of scouts died because my father didn't share this information!? It could be the last chance humanity has! And the answer has been hidden away under our house this entire time? Is he insane? Damn him...where have you been these past five years dad?" Eren says frustrated by this.

Ayane kept silent as she looked at him for a moment then at the ground, the scouts were all her family so that comment stung. Grinding her teeth together her right hand shook for the moment but she took a deep breath and let it out before getting pissed.

'Now's not the time to get angry...first, we need to find a way to survive from this insane poor excuse of a soldier!' Ayane thought.

While the titan Eren came out of began to break down the four of them took the time to come up with a plan, Eren wanted to leave now and go to his hometown but Ayane quickly shut that down completely.

"Idiot there's lots of titans outside the walls, besides you barely know how to use this power so how the hell do you expect to use it now?" Ayane started.
"I'll just transform and get over the wall!" Eren says.
"Oh really? How?" Ayane asked.
"Wait you can transform at will?" Armin asked.
"To be honest I don't know how I'm doing Armin, I just know that I can. It's hard to put it into words but it's like reflexes see at that moment my mind subconsciously focused on stopping the cannonball. That's why it's decaying it only had the endurance to meet that task. Next time I'll be stronger I'll be a 15-meter high titan slayer just like before." Eren explains but his nose started to bleed.

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