Chapter 60: From One Hand To Another

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The sun was setting and Falco had hurried off to secretly send off a letter that 'Mr. Kurger. had asked him to send, he was more than happy to do as the man helped him a lot whenever they met giving him words of encouragement on how to improve himself along with how he could also help Lady Okumura out on certain things.

"Falco, where are you headed this late?" Reiner asked.
"Left something at HQ so I'm running back there to go and grab it. See you later!" Falco smiled and ran off.

Reiner just stood there and watched the boy run off a bit confused but allowed it. Meanwhile, Falco was still smiling glad that he was able to be helpful to the man he had met and had been helping out before.

                                                                            **Flash Back**

"Falco, could you do me a favour?" 'Kruger' asked.
Falco stood there as he watched the man help little Carla up on his lap with a gentle but small smile and let her play with one of his hands to distract her for the moment.
"Sure what do you need?" Falco accepted.
"I wanna send a letter but...coming from the Interment Zone, it'll probably be checked right?" 'Kruger' explained.
"Yeah probably." Falco agreed.
"If they see what I wrote they'll know I shouldn't be here. Would you be willing to send it outside the Interment Zone?" 'Kruger' asked holding out the envelope.
"Sure thing, guess this is to your family?" Falco guessed.
"Yeah, just letting them know that I'm here and that I'm alright. I want to relieve my wife of any worry before I decide to go back." 'Kruger' says.

Falco walked over to the man and gently took the envelope and nodded with a kind smile of his own, he ruffled Carla's black hair making her giggle and said his goodbyes as he left in a hurry. As he ran off he missed the father-daughter duo who looked at one another with matching green eyes smiling gently at one another as Carla babbled away about random things.

                                                                **Flash Back End**

It didn't take long for Falco to arrive at a mailbox outside of the Interment Zone, he smiled at the envelope for a moment as he was glad that Mr.Kurger was ready to finally tell his family how things were and slide it through hoping that the letter reached Mr.Kurger's wife who should be waiting for his return right about now.

Meanwhile, things were getting quite busy with the arrival of the Tyber Family, later in the day Coslow and Magath had actually went to go meet up with the Tyber Family first without Lady Okumura as Magath mentioned that since she refused to be away from her daughter for long periods of time they should schedule a meeting between the Willy and the one who holds the power of the War Hammer.

"If you don't mind me asking but where is Lady Okumura?" Willy asked.
"Right now she's with her daughter, as a new mother she's not too comfortable with leaving her child for long periods of time," Magath explained.
"Ah yes I understand the feeling very much, it's alright then we can always work our way around a meeting for her to finally obtain all of her wonderful powers to help us end this war," Willy replies.

Well, at least that went well.

Not long after as soon as night fell Willy and Magath were speaking privately on a balcony of the building they were residing in. Their conversation began about the war and how the Tybers influenced Marley but honestly, they decided to stand by and watch as Marley themselves plunged their own people into the darkness which Willy believes was the cause of the Okumura family's disappearance those centuries ago.

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