Chapter 45: Bystander

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"Hey! You get back here!" Historia shouted at the giggling kids running from her.

Jean, Armin and Eren stood by some wooden fence as they watched the new crowned Queen chase the orphans, it had already been two months since she became Queen but for now, she was focused on opening orphanages to help kids who lost their parents to find new homes if there was anyone out there to adopt.

"Look! It's big sister, Ayane!" One kid shouted.
"Big sister!/Big sister, Ayane" They all shouted.
"Hey you brats, you being good for her majesty." Ayane teased.

The kids just laughed when they reached Ayane's side and hugged her waist as they looked up at her with innocent yet happy expressions. Ever since Historia opened the orphanage Ayane had been helping her out and offered to explain what Ayane knew about being an adopted child herself.

"Are you gonna be here to tell us more stories?" A little boy asked.
"Depends on how long we got left before I have to return to my duties as a soldier," Ayane replied.
"Even if it's short we're okay with it!" A kid told her.
"Alright alright let's get back so I can tell you a new story." Ayane chuckled and shook her head.
"Yay!!" The kids shouted holding her hands.

Eren smiled as he watched his girlfriend being dragged away by her hands from children who seemed to be taken by her as they clung to her side from the beginning.

"She seems good with children," Jean commented.
"I think she'd make an amazing mother one day," Armin replied.
"You think so?" Eren asked.
"Clearly she's good with the kids here, so of course." Jean scoffed.
"Yeah..." Eren muttered as his eyes followed Ayane as she walked off to the building.

Eren then went on to explain why Historia took in all these kids, stating that even Captain Levi was involved in this as Historia must've been told by Ayane herself that Levi adopted her when she was merely a baby, not to mention Historia wanted the kids surrounding Ayane to experience what Ayane felt as she was from a parent despite not being blood-related.

"I think Ayane told Historia that 'Despite not being blood-related people still can be family, it doesn't change anything at all.' or something like that." Eren finished.
"That sure sounds like her." Jean sighed.
"Well, that's to be expected since Captain Levi is the only parent she's ever known and clearly there's a big family connection there." Armin shrugged.
"Slacking off again huh? It's getting dark you know!" Historia scolded them.

The four of them now were carrying stuff back to the building as Eren and Historia began to have a quick chat with one another, things were going well with his training with the hardening technique...but Eren believed they needed to quicken it up as they needed to be ready before THEY came back around.

"You are worried about Ayane arent you?" Historia asked.
"Her injuries may have healed but...mentally she's been pushing back. It worries me." Eren replied.
"She'll be fine, besides if it makes you feel any better when she and I eventually have to work together I'll look out for her when you're not around okay," Historia told him.
"I appreciate that, but I think it's more than that." Eren sighed.
"What do you mean?" Historia asked.
"I feel like she's slowly slipping away bit by bit and I am the only one who is noticing it. Not to mention if the rumours are true...she'll be the sole person to know the truth of the walls and the world. A secret the government previously tried to keep..." Eren explained.
"Such a heavy burden for one person to take, but that's also why we're here! We will help her carry that! Everyone in the Scouts including myself will help her and we'll adapt to such information." Historia tries to comfort him.
"Yeah, but she'll be the only one to see it with her own eyes," Eren replied.

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