Chapter 4: Struggle For Trost Part 2

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While Mikasa was busy helping out she noticed Ayane from afar and quickly give orders to those around her before leaping off somewhere else. Where was she heading? She was supposed to help the other elites...what happened?

With Ayane, she overheard the withdrawal order but that didn't sit well, why give such orders but not head towards the wall? Not to mention most of them were running low on supplies and honestly, Ayane had a feeling they were just being fed to the tians within the walls so those cowards could run for it.

'Not surprising they think they're brave but when titans arrive they suddenly wanna duck and hide...fucking shitheads like that don't deserve to be apart of the military.' Ayane thought.

Tapping her pointer and middle finger on the gas tank on one part of her gear she scoffed. She was nearly out and since no one was coming to restock them all she knew she needed to pick her next move carefully.

'First I need to locate Armin...find out what happened and why I heard him scream like that...then we need to think of a way out of here to safely go restock our supplies to get rid of these titans.' Ayane thought.

From there she ran off the roof and headed towards where she believed Armin to be, from the air she later located him as well as Mikasa who just arrived, jogging up to them she stood there.

"Armin! Mikasa!" Ayane calls out to them.

'Oh no...Mikasa, Ayane, what do I tell them?' Armin thought.

"Where's Eren?" Mikasa asked.
"Armin? Hey, what's wrong?" Ayane asked.
"He's dead..." Armin cried.

Wait...what? Ayane's blue eyes widen in utter shock...Eren is...dead? Ayane stumbled back a little bit her eyes looked at the roof under her feet. Ayane suddenly couldn't hear anything around her for a moment...The guy that constantly bothered her for two years straight to become his friend...was dead? Looking down at her boots in shock she felt like something inside of her snapped and the pain wouldn't stop.

Grinding her teeth together Ayane gripped the handles of her ODM gear as her hands shook, what was the point of making a promise if he wasn't gonna keep it? Ayane knew this would happen...yet she still managed to let Eren have her agree to that promise.

'Promise my bastard you said you'd keep your word!' Ayane thought.

Her hair covered her eyes as she turned around and stumbled towards the edge of the roof, she felt numb...ahh she hasn't felt this in years. The last time she did was whenever she would lose another family member to the titans.

Now she lost a friend...screw this!

"Ayane where are you going?" Armin asked.
"I'll make sure his death, as well as the others, won't be in vain...I'll kill every titan in my path," Ayane said monotone.
"We don't have enough gas to scale the wall! Headquarters is the only place where we can refill it and it's swarming with titans!" Jean says.
"So you expect us to stand here and die? You can do that if you want, I'm not. We're soldiers and we need to start acting like it! Giving up is not an option, I will keep my promise to someone and survive this." Ayane explains.

With that she swings off and heads for headquarters, Mikasa followed after though not without saying a few words as well. The others finally got back into the fighting mode as they knew both were right giving up was never the option.

But Ayane was pissed, Eren made her a promise and yet got himself killed either way. What was the point of making such a promise!? Damn! She knew first hand it was a bad idea to make promises with anyone with a world like theirs...she already lost so much as a child...why is she still losing more?

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