Chapter 56: The Other Side Of The Wall

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Levi and Hange were busy talking with those who were in charge of the papers stating what truths to put out to the public, one of the men asked how Ayane was doing and before answers were given Levi and Hange looked at one another.

"She's doing well, her injured eye seems to be healing well," Hange replied.
"I heard she hasn't spoken much at all, is she okay mentally as well?" The other asked.
"She just needs time. We should at least give her that." Levi replied.

No one could blame her since she seemed to still be mourning for Erwin since she was told of his death once she awakened.

                                                            **Earlier That Day**

"I'm sorry Lieutenant...the Commander...he's dead..." Floch says clenching his hands as he shut his eyes tightly.

Ayane was silent but let out a short shaky breath, waving her hand she dismissed Floch who quickly fled from her recovery room. The mission was successful but it came at such a high cost...

Nearly all of her squad members were killed the only ones left were Floch this was what it felt like to lose your men to war. Not only that but her uncle died from his plan of that suicide attack.

Ayane, on the other hand, suffered a horrible injury to her eye, thankfully only the skin was damaged and her sight would be fine but the impact of said injury worried Hange and Levi as it would leave a horrible scar.

Sitting up in her bed she gripped the thing blanket over her and her shoulders shook, tears formed in her eyes and despite it stinging horribly in one eye she cried not caring for the pain.

"" Ayane whimpered.

                                                          **Flash Back**


Ayane giggled as she ran around the HQ of the Survey Corps, soldiers all around either got startled by her sudden appearance or would chuckle at seeing her so happy.

Her reason for being so happy was causing her uncle to agree to teach her more about the walls and what little he understood about the outside world. Getting to his office she knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" Erwin's voice was heard inside.
"It's me, uncle! I'm ready to learn more!" Ayane cheered.
Footsteps were heard coming closer to the door, soon as it opened Erwin kept his smile and reached down picking her up into his arms setting her on his hip and shut the door behind them.
"Oh really now?" Erwin asked.
"You promised so you better keep it, uncle!" Ayane pouts.
"Of course sweetheart." Erwin chuckles.

Sitting in his desk chair he pulled out a book and began to read certain parts of it then explained what they meant and everything. Course from time to time Ayane would ask about other things and best to his knowledge he answered.

"How far have you guys gotten outside the walls?" Ayane asked.
"Not too far sadly, titans roam every inch outside these walls so we need to be careful," Erwin tells her.
"Do you think I could one day be a soldier too?" Ayane asked.
"Hmm maybe, but that would be up to you." Erwin states.
"Dad won't let me..." Ayane frowns.
"Your father is just worried, as any parent would be. You're his whole world, as you are for a lot of us actually." Erwin explains.
"But uncle! I don't want to always be the one who waits for you all my whole's scary thinking you guys won't ever be coming home." Ayane says sniffling.
"Oh, firefly...I know you're scared to lose us, it's the same the other way around." Erwin says holding her to his chest.

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