Chapter 15: Angel - 57th Expedition Beyond The Walls Part 2

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With what little breathing room Armin, Jean and Reiner had there was time to place bandages around his head. Not to mention Reiner was a bit worried about the ODM gear of Armin's thankfully though it was not damaged from when it came off suddenly so that was good. The only bad part was that they were down a horse and couldn't move further until another arrived.

Sending off an emergency smoke signal into the sky they decided to wait at least three minutes until one of them would stay behind, Armin suggested it would be him however it was good that he didn't have to since Kirsta later arrived with two horses.

Once more as she worded how worried she was the three of them either mentioned how of an angel she was one well in Reiner's case that he had to marry her.

Back on their horses, they headed off later though they saw a green smoke signal which meant that they weren't leaving just changing course. It was a bit of discussion between the four of them but they continued on anyway.

Levi squad noticed the green smoke signal, Oulo was ordered to send off one of their own. Meanwhile, Ayane looked at it with narrowed eyes.

'So we're continuing on? I hope everything is alright but honestly I know it in my heart things have already gone to hell...' Ayane thought.

"Reporting sir! An urgent message! It appears the Ring Wing has all be wiped out! The early working network is compromised. One of you will need to relay the message down the line!" A soldier says.

'No...' Ayane thought blue eyes widen.

"You heard the man, Petra. Go on." Levi ordered.
"Sir!" Petra replied leaving.

Ayane for a split moment shut her eyes and turned her head away, taking a few deep breaths and letting them out she calmed herself and focused back on the task at hand when black signal smoke was seen, Levi then ordered for Eren to signal one of his own to which he did.

Back over there the Female Titan was running towards them, a bunch of soldiers were engaging it unaware of its intelligence. When she covered her weak spot the soldiers continued to pursue her, though that ultimately ended in their deaths one by one.

She crushed two of them, held one of them by the gear wire for a moment she just stared at him as he begged for his life and moments after that she spun the poor man around so much that it killed him in the end. She later let the man go as she slowly walked towards the one leading this team.

Meanwhile, he rushed off with his horse hoping to get away from this one, to no avail though since she later reached him quickly and he had been kicked up into the air with such force. Two other soldiers noticed the 'abnormal' and decided to make sure to kill it if they could but honestly...not even they were a match to take down the Female Titan.

As the message to continue onwards with the mission continued to be relayed to other soldiers, the Female Titan used the green smoke to slowly leech out with a path to take. Armin was indeed right she was searching for someone...though not just one person but two of them.

Up ahead though was a huge forest, sure they could use all the threes for easy access to dispatch titans but the off part was that they could also be killed in the process as well whenever a titan decided to finally show his face.

When Erwin and his team arrived he ordered for one of them to tell the others that only the center wagon defence squad is to be allowed to enter the forest all the others were to be on standby outside the forest themselves. Two of them left to go relay the message.

As the others soon arrived most of them were changing course to go around, later it was told to the other soldiers that they were going to be watching for any titans in case they tried to get into the forest...pretty much saying they'd be bait but would be safe if they were on a high enough branch with their blades out.

Jean began to go on a rant as he was clueless on what was happening here, the formation was broken off and now they were here he didn't know what to do really. To him, they should've left soon as people were notified that there was the Female Titan on their ass's killing them with such ease.

Though honestly, everyone was wondering what the reason was that Erwin had everyone there. The reason though wouldn't be figured out just yet at all.

Already inside the forest Levi's squad was there. Eren began to ask Levi about the fact that they were inside a forest where they might not even see titans at all. Which Levi responded with the easy answer that the trees all around them were perfect for ODM gear...perfect for dispatching a titan if possible.

'Dad's right, if the others couldn't get to an abnormal fast enough we could easily take it down...' Ayane thought.
But something didn't sit right with her...

Eren knew he couldn't whine nor cry about not getting answers but when he looked around one by one at the Levi squad and that they were mumbling away about not realizing the choices of the Commanders so when he looked towards Ayane he was even more shocked.

"What is uncle thinking? Why continue on like this? Just what is going on...? There has to be a reason that even we are in the dark." Ayane mutters.

'So even she doesn't know?' Eren thought.

Outside of the forest however a bunch of titans arrived and were busy trying to claw up on the tree to try and get at the soldiers up there standing on a high enough branch. The thing was they didn't really need to kill them just keep the titans from ever entering the forest at all.

Back with the Levi squad they all for a split second saw black smoke, which meant that an abnormal entered the forest somehow.

"Black smoke!" Eren says.
"Ah shit one of them got in didn't they?" Ayane asked then sighed.
"It's right behind us," Gunther says.
"It's been on our ass since we came in here," Eld says.
"Blades drawn now!" Levi ordered.
"Dad?" Ayane asked.
"It'll happen in a blink of an eye, be ready," Levi says.

Everyone pulled out their blades when a solider appeared from behind and just as quick was killed by the Female Titan, Levi ordered them to continue on when the Female Titan changed course and ran from the right then back towards the group reaching out for at first Eren but then her eyes looked towards Ayane who glared back at her.

With her speed they weren't even sure if they should even use their gear, not to mention it just tried to reach for Eren but thankfully failed. The squad then began to ask for orders from Levi but he wasn't giving any...he just stayed silent as he looked off to the side a bit over his shoulder.

'Dad? Hold up why isn't he giving us any orders?' Ayane thought.

Two other soldiers arrived and were engaging with the titan to keep it off the Levi squad but just like the others, she killed them with such ease that it shocked Ayane in complete and utter horror. Especially with one of the soldier's last words to her.

"Get out of here, Ayane!!" Was said before his death.

More of her family members were getting killed by this thing right before her eyes, though she couldn't do a thing which bothered her a lot as they continued onwards. Tearing her eyes off the Female Titan she shouted at her father.

"Captain!! Your orders!!" Petra shouts.
"It's dangerous so let's take it out!! Tell us to engage sir!!" Oluo shouts also.
"I'll cut the bitch!" Eld says.
"I'll help," Ayane replies glaring at the Female Titan over her shoulder.

'Stupid creature, your racing full speed to your own death. You're chasing the best titan slayers in existence, and since Ayane is here this makes them even more dangerous.' Eren thought with a smirk.

Though when he looked towards Levi he realized the man didn't give out any orders yet at all.

"Captain?" Eren asked.
"Captain!!" Petra shouts.
"We need your orders, sir!!" Oluo shouts.
"She's gaining on us! Let's just take her out!" Gunther shouts also.
"That's the whole reason we're here, isn't it? Right sir? Captain!" Eld asked.
"Your orders sir please!" Eren shouts.
"Father!! What are your orders!" Ayane shouts.
"Everyone cover your ears, now," Levi says rather calmly.

Levi then fired something other than a smoke signal.

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