Chapter 11: Eve Of Counter Attack Part 1

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Word got out that a titan was now fighting for humanity and everyone was talking about it, not to mention people were complaining about the fact that those of Wall Rose might just enter their town for refuge. Not to mention if the rumours for a titan being on the side of humanity being brought into their place weren't rather welcome...

However, those who came from Wall Maria were rather pleased with it since that means that the military could finally one day retake the wall if it was possible. No doubt difference in thoughts about what was happening within the military was spoken among the people.

The Military Police was very much against letting Eren be joining the Servey Corps...just goes to further suspect something behind the scenes of what these bigots were really after. The Premiere later arrived and walked inside the building before him...the place where Eren's fate was going to be decided.

"Commander Pixis, you're the CO of the Garrison Regiment. And I am the Commanding Officer of the Survey Cor and the Scouts, some people might disapprove of our meeting like this." Erwin says as he walks up on the wall with Pixis.
"You're straight-laced as your reputation. Nothing too lord here...we just bumped into one another while out on an evening stroll. The protocol doesn't prevent us from chatting under the circumstance. You are aware of the Miltary Police intentions to take custody of Eren Yeager I presume." Pixis replies.
"Yes I received word, they planned to hold a liberation on the matter...My niece...Cadet Ayane spoke highly of him, however...stated that if he can join the Survey Cor he might just be able to put his titan power to use for humanity..." Erwin says.
"The decision has been left to Primire Zachary. The decision where Cadet Yeager is to be with the Scouts or the Military Police." Pixis says.
"Zachery? You mean Permire Dallas Zachery?" Erwin asked.
"The Military Police, The Garrison and the Scouts all fall under his Jurstritctions...His decision will be counted on is Eren Yeager a benefit or a handicap to our survival. If deemed detrimental Eren Yeager will be executed without a thought. Right then and there if need be. I for one do not want to see him die...Ayane spoke very highly of him and honestly, I would hate for her to lose a friend she finally started finding herself to trust. However, I'm sad to say many in the Garrison are afraid of his ability. My hands are tied...the most I can do is refuse to agree with the MP's. Do the odds favour you?" Pixis explains.
"No they don't, and yet we do have a proposal prepared. Whether it works or not depends on how the debate will unfold.
"You mean you're going to play it by ear?" Pixis asks.
"Our job is recon beyond the walls playing things by ear is all we ever do," Erwin says.

Pixis laughs at that then walks off as he tells him good luck with what he has planned, but honestly, he did hope it worked. Erwin looked out towards the town and remembered his niece coming to him, asking him to think of something to save Eren from going into the hands of either the Garrison or the Military Police.

Back elsewhere everyone was currently eating their food where Mikasa and Armin spoke to one another about Eren and Ayane.

"A debate over Eren? What for?" Mikasa asked.
"I think it's about what they'll do with him, but I'm sure Ayane will do what she can to make sure he's safe!" Armin says hoping that will lessen Mikasa's worries.
"Her family is in the she might ask them to bring Eren there..." Mikasa mutters.

Sure Ayane could try to convince her family to fight for Eren's life but that didn't go without saying what the Garrison or Military Police would say or do to rebut it. Not long after though a soldier asked for the two of them telling the two that they along with Ayane were going to be witnesses for the upcoming debate.

                                                                            **With Eren**

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