Chapter 53: The Basement

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By the time Armin woke up he noticed both Sasha and Ayane were laying under some covers he checked on Sasha first but when his eyes landed on Ayane his blue eyes widened in horror as bandages covered her eyes.

"Ayane...?" Armin asked in a whisper.

Before he could do anything else he heard Eren's voice.

"Your up!" Eren's voice shouted.
"Eren..." Armin says.
"Armin, I'm so glad your back..." Eren tearfully says as he hugged Armin.

After everyone explained what had happened Armin asked what happened to Ayane, everyone was silent for a moment but Levi spoke up that Ayane nearly was eaten by a titan only for the beast to have the skin on her eye to be torn off before he saved her. Armin was horrified he crawled over to Ayane silently begging her for forgiveness.

Though as if right on cue Ayane gripped the sheet on top of her and groaned in pain, Eren moved to his girlfriend's side and held her hand it got worse when she began to scream bloody murder forcing Eren, Connie and Jean to hold her down.

Anyone nearby flinched or covered their eyes/wears as they were informed this would happen due to the fact her face was nearly torn completely off. Those who had gotten close with her teared up upon hearing her in pain knowing they couldn't do anything about it.

Ayane's squad or well what was left of it...couldn't help but flinch and look away or cry to themselves...while they were unconscious their Lieutenant was busy battling it out but ended up nearly getting killed. Soon as her screams died out or started to become scrappy from screaming so long she began to calm down but was only awake for a moment.

"Ayane...drink this quickly before you pass out again," Mikasa says.

Mikasa held her head up slightly for support as she held a canteen of water to her lips, weakly Ayane drank from it but soon after passed out real quick. The air was tense as the feeling of nearly losing one of their best was still in the air as well as no one knew how she'd be like after this.

'I almost lost her...dammit I should've been there! I could've protected her!' Eren thought as he gripped her hand.

No one really knew how bad her eye was other than Levi, Hange and Ayane's squad who tended to her wounds under the direct order of her father. Sadly that would leave a huge scar over her eye and everyone knew this would change things for her...but they had a small sense of hope that it wouldn't.

But it would...

Sadly this wound would affect Ayane far more than anyone could ever realize...not to mention with the death of her uncle still unknown to her it only made this much worse for Ayane,

Poor girl would be suffering for a while by everything...

When Armin began to explain how he could never replace Erwin, Levi told him clearly that he would never. So he had to work hard to make sure that the decision to save his life wouldn't be regretted not to mention he'd best keep his distance from Ayane for a while due to the fact she still doesn't know that Erwin is dead.

"Oh god...because of me another member of her family is dead," Armin whispered.
"It's our faults actually...I was so focused on saving you that I didn't take that into consideration until it was too late." Eren frowns.
"Same here..." Mikasa replied.

Both Mikasa and Eren were upset with how it turned out, pretty much they chalked it up to forcing Levi to save their friend while Ayane would lose her uncle...when you put it like that they were the most selfish people known to her. Though neither of them at this moment could think of how Ayane would react.

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