Chapter 64: Assassins Bullet

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A brief confrontation between Eren and Reiner happened but all it resulted in was Eren knocking him down though in the process Reiner had managed to save Porco in the process. But either way, both were too exhausted to continue the fight so the battle ended there.

As Eren was removing himself from his titan and talking with Mikasa, Ayane was already there on the airship as she held onto the rope that was provided for those who managed to get to the airship safely.

For a short moment Ayane stared at the destruction Marley was in with a blank look on her face, she didn't really seem to give a damn about what had happened here as it looked, after all these people were the ones who sent all those titans to Paradis and forced them to fight for their lives so the deserved this...right...?

With the sound of the door sliding open Ayane looked over and saw her father there, a short amount of time passed as the two stared at one another silently with matching stoic expressions but Levi broke the silence between the two as he sighed and crouched down as he held out his hand.

Slowly Ayane reached back and grabbed hold of her father's hand and let him help her into the airship as she knew what would happen next, so when he shoved her up on the wall with her arms pinned behind her she didn't struggle as another solider had tied her hands behind her back.

She was brought elsewhere to be away from the others, sliding down the wall she was leaning on she sat down with her legs a bit close to her chest, Levi grumbling under his breath stood in front of her about a foot away and decided to ask her the questions he had been for a while now.

"Why did you do all this? Did anyone force you into this? You'd never would've gone this far at all." Levi asked.
"All I had to do was see humanity for what it really is in all actuality, and once my eyes were opened, it was too late to close them again," Ayane replied after she turned her gaze from the airship floor to her father.

Where they were got silent after she finished speaking meanwhile Levi hid his pained expression away as he stared into the empty eyes of his daughter. The once eyes that were filled with life were now so cold and soulless that it made Levi's heartbreak for his daughter.

This was exactly what he feared would happen to her when she joined the Scouts...his fears were now a reality.

Blinking he noticed a blue butterfly flying over his shoulder, raising his hand he held it up just as the butterfly gently landed on his finger before flying off and back out of the airship going wherever he didn't know however he had other important things to focus on rather than some creature that made a quick appearance.

Gabi angered at what all happened wasn't about to let them get away and since she still was holding the gun that she held in her hands before ran off shouting Eren's full name as Falco followed after her.

Next to come in the airship was Eren who was given the help by Armin as the two didn't speak a word to one another at all. Levi already annoyed with what he believed that Eren or someone else working alongside them influenced his daughter and walked over to him.

"Well aren't you a filthy sight, it's like you crawled into a pile of shit, Eren," Levi said to him.
"Captain Levi," Eren replied.

His response and actions alone annoyed Levi so much that he gave the boy a roundhouse kick which sent him crashing into the airship wall behind him. Mikasa was about to yet again go for Levi for even doing that but was stopped by Armin quickly. Soldiers surrounded him with guns pointed at his head, Eren took the short time to look over at Ayane who stared at the floor under them with her hands tied behind her back.

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