Chapter 17: Erwin Smith - 57th Expedition Beyond The Walls Part 4

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Levi's squad continued forwards and even though Eren wondered what Commander Erwin had been thinking to take the Female Titan alive when she was just like the Colossal Titan, though Levi's squad members scolded him for thinking about it and told him to just focus on moving forward for now.

Back with the others, Levi got ready to strike by taking out a blade when Erwin stopped him and ordered for a bit more restraints, meanwhile with the others outside the forest Christa noticed that the titans seemed to have learned how to climb which Nanaba just replied with the fact they could always just go up further the trees they were in.

Those outside the forest couldn't really tell what the noise inside was, most of them thought of it to be cannon fire but others thought about the fact that they never really saw anyone bring it inside the forest...then again those insides did arrive there before them so they chalked it up to that.

But the reason why all came out finally as soldiers began to realize the true motive, Commander Erwin didn't want to kill the Female Titan but capture it to figure out just who it could be within.

"It makes sense..." Ayane mutters as she and her family along with Eren stood up on a tree branch.
"What do you mean, Ayane? It doesn't make sense! I get keeping this from me but what about from the rest of you, you're his daughter!" Eren tells her.
"Think about it, Eren. There's an enemy within our own ranks...the only way to flush that person out is to develop a plan so dangerous as this to figure out just who it could've been. Not to mention we don't even know if they have accomplished. Or even how many there are." Ayane explains.
"She's right, maybe someone in the regiment could possibly be a titan spy," Eld explains after a moment.
"A spy? Are you sure you believe it?" Gunther asks.
"No, but the Commander surely seems to," Eld replied.
"The Commander clearly sees something we don't, which seems to be the reason why he didn't inform any of us about the plan...other than my father that is," Ayane says crossing her arms staring at her boots for the moment.

Eld then began to explain for a moment that those who survived the attack five years ago surely were the only ones who knew about the Commander's plan. A perfectly good reason not to inform those around them so it wasn't about trust but about flushing out the enemy despite the losses.

"Do you think it's the same person who killed Sawny and Bean?" Eld asked.
"Most definitely...think about it why would the Commander ask such an odd question out of the blue for no reason?" Ayane asked.
"So that's why..." Eren mutters.
"Yes, Commander Erwin figure it out rather quickly that there had to be an enemy in the regiment but first he asked each of us if we thought of anyone we knew to be the cause of it...but we didn't know anyone that could," Ayane explained.
"Which also means we would've been told if we knew who did it. Though none of us could've known." Eld replies.

Oulo on the other had decided to go off again making Ayane and shake her head and lean upon the tall bark of the tree she was standing on and tuned her family's little banter out for the time being.

'I don't agree with this plan but what choice do we even have? In order to win a war you must be ready to sacrifice a lot to achieve sacrificed so many lives in order for humanity to push further to our victory...I may not like the fact half of the lives lost were a part of my family but I knew sooner or later I may never see them again each time you step outside the walls...guess the horrifying truth of all this is a hard slap to the face to experience myself....guess this is why father didn't want me to join but relented anyway due to my stubborn ass.' Ayane thought.

"You alright there, Ayane?" Petra asked.
"You don't agree with the Commander either huh?" Eld asked.
"My personal feelings for his plan don't matter...yes I lost a lot of family members but you've all told me time and time again that there's no clear cut promise of tomorrow...that's the reality of this situation...I understand that in order to save lives you need to sacrifice a few to get closer to that goal." Ayane explains.

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