Chapter 51: Hero

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As Erwin lead the charge the Beast Titan had sent even more boulders their way, Erwin got hit and fell down both he and his horse collapsed to the ground rather harshly. Despite that the soldiers he led continued forwards meanwhile Ayane landed on top of the head of one of the titans and stared in horror at her uncle's fallen form.

Shakey gasps escaped her lips as her eyes trembled at the sight before her, it was happening again! More and more of her family were dying right before her very eyes, the young soldier held herself together with the best she could as her gaze slowly turned towards the Beast Titan as her blue eyes got much darker than they ever had before.

This bastard killed more of her precious family before her very eyes...

And she was gonna make him pay!

'You ugly mother fucker! Your dead...' Ayane thought.

Leaping off the titan she was standing on Ayane used her ODM gear to kill it and made her way towards the Beast Titan as her father Levi was quickly closing in from the other side. If she made it in time both would be successful in killing him and keeping the promise they both made to Erwin.

The Beast Titan just sat there as he took in the sight of the soldiers still riding on their horses towards him clearly willing to die in a suicide charge, at first he was slightly shocked when he turned the rocks in his hands into dust...what was wrong with him? Why was he like this? Oh well honestly if the enemy wanted to have a swift death then who was he to refuse right?

Marlo lead the charge for the time being as he got everyone to send off a green smoke into the air with everyone else when he noticed the Beast Titan gearing up for another, however for some reason his life began to flash before his very eyes...doesn't that only happen when you're about to die? Also...his mind differed towards Hitch and what she was doing.

That's when the rocks were thrown and sadly he took the brunt of it as did a few other soldiers, one by one they fell off their horses bleeding out profusely as their knock at death's door had arrived. At first, the Beast Titan thought he had gotten all the soldiers there but was quickly annoyed with how little there were still left as they fired another green smoke at him.

His last attack took care of them, though honestly, Erwin's deadly plan worked because the Beast Titan didn't even bother to see Levi and Ayane closing in from both sides, Course Levi got there quicker and ruthlessly began cutting away at him.

This brought back a memory of when Reiner and Bertholt told him, it was that Levi and Ayane were a deadly duo but since Captain Levi was the adoptive father of Ayane then it would be ten times harder to even get their hands on her considering from their observation she was just like the Captain in so many ways possible.

Levi made the Beast Titan look like a fool with how slow his efforts were to protect himself from the soldier before him, he often questioned himself on if he could even counter Levi and wondered where the hell Ayane could be and realized she must be somewhere close by however he knew he didn't have the time of day to bother worrying about her now with how quick Levi was dispatching him like this.

It was there the Beast Titan really truly realized the rath of a father in a soldier's form, Levi wasn't ever gonna let them take her away...ever...

Things change however when the Cart Titan arrived forcing Levi to avoid the incoming threat he was so focused on muttering for the bastard to wait that he promised to kill him that when the man ordered the remaining titans to attack Ayane sped up.

"I won't allow it!!" Ayane shouts.

Giving off a war cry she cut the nape of some of them but one caught her leg and one of her arms, Levi seeing this quickly made his way over only to watch and hear his daughter scream in so much pain that he wasn't sure what happened.

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