Chapter 5: Struggle For Trost Part 3

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"There got it! Your ODM gear is ready to go and I restocked your blades." Armin says after finishing.

Ayane just tossed the broken one Armin wanted to use over the ledge then placed her hand on his head stating that they needed to think of another way to get to HQ together but most of all alive and safe.

"Armin, neither of us will ever leave you behind," Ayane says.
"She's right, we're not leaving you," Mikasa tells him.
"But I mean there are titans everywhere, neither of you can jump and carry me," Armin explains.
"Come on, let's move!" Connie says.

'Please don't do this! It's not going to work! Enough people have died on my account' Armin thought as they all were starting to run off.

When the titan that saved Ayane let out another roar Armin planted his feet down to stop and removed his arm from Connie's grasp.

"No! Hold on I've got an idea," Armin says.
"Well let's hear it. And better make it quick before more titans find us." Ayane agreeing to listen in.
"What is it then?" Connie asked.
"Only you three are capable of pulling this off so it's your choice. This may sound crazy but I think he might be useful." Armin tells them.
"Whoa, you mean that titan?" Connie asked.
"He only attacks his own kind. He seems to have no interest in us...he even saved Ayane and didn't even bother to try to eat her. So what if we can steer him close to HQ and let him loose on the other titans. Look we know he's taken one out already, we can use him as a weapon." Armin explains.
"You've got to be are we suppose to steer that thing?" Connie asked.
"Something tells me he's fighting on instintic. I'm almost sure if you take down the pair he's tangling with now he'll go look for more others. Leading him straight to HQ. we're not steering him so much as luring him. I think it'll work I really do." Armin finishes.
"Think!? You're asking us to risk it on a stupid gut feeling!?" Connie shouts.
"If I'm right about this we can put down the titans at headquarters in one swoop!" Armin says.
"It's worth a shot," Mikasa says.
"Huh!?" Conni asked.
"She's right, Connie as soldiers we need to take risks. Not to mention it goes without saying that no one will know the perfect outcome of a plan we decide to make...we either work together or we'll die." Ayane says.
"If there's a decent shot why not take it?" Mikasa adds in.
"So we're gonna recruit a titan?" Connie asked.
"Yes." Mikasa and Ayane both say.

After a few more words between the four of them, they agree to and they set off to deal with that plan, since that titan didn't harm Ayane in and manner then this plan of Armins should work...hopefully.

Jean stood up on the roof of a house staring in horror as titans were busy eating away at a fellow soldier that got unlucky and landed into the hands of the titans. He blamed himself for not doing something sooner, that's when Jean realized they could escape and make a break for HQ...since the soldier they tried to save was already dead there wasn't much they could do other than leave for HQ themselves now.

Meanwhile, Mikasa and Ayane were busy taking down some titans together while Connie carried Armin, the titan that saved Ayane was fighting another titan itself and when finished its gaze went towards HQ where more titans were at.

'Armin is right! This titan isn't interested in humans... its bloodlust is for its own kind...if we're lucky this plan will work perfectly.' Ayane thought.

Jean and the others were actually making it out of there though since HQ had titans swarming everywhere they had to use the rest of their supplies to avoid the titans as much as they could so they'd get inside alive.

Once most of them made it to HQ safe and alive Jean saw the people who were supposed to be on the supply runs for them...instead they left them all to die while they hid in fear. Jean punched one guy and scolded him for what they've done while Marco tried to hold him back from doing anything more.

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