Chapter 76: Memories Of The Future

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Eren and Ayane found themselves travelling through the memories of Grisha's, it was there that Ayane noticed the huge resemblance that Carla had for her father as she looked exactly like Eren only she held Ayane's eye colour.

' he's always been this cute.' Ayane thought as she watched baby Eren.

Baby Eren tried to crawl but was failing so a young Grisha decided to pick him up into his arms only for baby Eren to suddenly cry, it wasn't until Eren's mother rocked him did he stop his cries not to mention it seemed like he noticed Ayane and smiled as he reached out for her.

"You sure were cute," Ayane muttered holding out her hand as baby Eren looked at it for a moment then gripped one of her fingers before giggling away.

'Yup our daughter is so alike to Eren...she sure takes after him.' Ayane thought.

Eren grabbed your hand as Zeke lead you two into another memory of Grisha's this time Eren was a bit older as he chased a butterfly and then walked to his father's arms, which made Ayane chuckle slightly as she could see baby Carla doing the same a while ago. The next memory of Grisha doing his doctor job and taking care of patients like usual so Ayane didn't see why Zeke took them to this.

'Zeke's letting shit go down in his old age huh?' Ayane thought.

Eren attempted to get Zeke to stop with this farce by trying to convince him he had seen enough but Zeke wasn't finished, so in the next memory they witnessed was small Eren and his parents having some supper together along with one where small Eren went through the 'invisible friend' faze but in actuality it was Ayane who sat on her knees while caring for Eren herself, at times he giggled to the point of hugging her.

'So the 'pretty lady' I saw until a while back was her all along...' Eren thought.

The more they travelled through the memories the more Eren and Ayane noticed that there was a time were Grisha nearly had an encounter with Kenny. It all came to a head when the three saw that Grisha managed to find where the Royal Family had resided which shocked Eren enough to admit it though it seemed Grisha held different ideas and didn't attack as he quickly went back home to his wife and son.

That action alone shocked Zeke to the point he realized that Grisha had become a changed man for his new family, that's when Eren explained that there was no need for this and that he wasn't brainwashed like he had been trying to explain to him, secretly though Ayane wanted to see more...she wanted to learn and see a side to Eren she never saw before...she wanted to see more of Eren's past that she wasn't able to grasp before she met him that fateful day.

It all came to a head when Zeke and Eren's father still very young at the time seemed to see them though when his eyes landed on Ayane he mistook her for the woman he met in the past.

"Is that really you Lady Okumura? It is isn't it!" Grisha shouted quickly approaching her.
"H-Hold on! Stay back!" Ayane shouted.
"That your not her...then you must be...ahh she's gone. I must've been seeing things. I need to make sure to get better sleep." Grisha sighed running a hand down his face.

The three of them stood there in shock as Eren slowly pulled Ayane to his side, what happened clearly startled Ayane as she gripped his hand tightly and allowed him to lead her to the next memory as Eren interrupted any thoughts running through Zeke's head. The next memory was of Eren at the age of nine and already good friends with Armin at the time.

For Zeke, it was a clear sight that Grisha cared deeply for him his tone nearly seemed jealous even though that's what it truly was, again Eren explained that them being here was useless and that the reason for his actions was already laid out...because he was born into this world the way he was from the start. It came apparent when the next memory was of when Grisha caught the sight of nine-year-old Eren having his first human kill to save Mikasa.

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