5. A Curious Calling

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It had been an hour since Fat lady had left.

The afternoon sky was dimming into a darker hue.

You left all alone in the cabin. Tapping your fingers on the round table, your eyes anxiously darted outside where Iseka had left.

"Where is she?" You mumbled in concern.

You were worried for Iseka.

She wasn't in the condition to be left alone. Seeing the strong woman brought to tears felt wrong on so many levels.

Despite her occasional unpleasantness, Iseka was a kind-hearted person.

It was in her care you had grown up. Her scolding, mean taunts and caring encouragements was a inseparable part of your memories; your childhood.

How could Nora say something so cruel to her?

You knew Nora spoke out of anger and didn't mean what she said. You had faith in her. You hoped she would return quickly and apologize to Iseka and reconcile so you could stop losing your head over them.

Iseka wasn't the type to indulge in her past. But you could guess the past had left a heavy wound on her heart.

Losing a family was never easy. Time might help ease the pain but it never takes it away completely.

You had left your family behind too. Far to a place you might never return.

There wasn't anyone you could talk to or make them understand what you had lost.

Memories of those times were solely yours and you couldn't share them with another.

You had no choice but to bury those precious people deep in your heart and move on.

You had come to accept the bitter reality that you might never be able to see them again.

They would only exist within your memories.

It wasn't remotely easy to accept the truth. But there wasn't anything you could do.

To some extent you had moved on after forcefully burying your sadness and loss.

You had a new life and new family you need to think of.

So you could understand Iseka's pain and felt upset with Nora on her behalf.

You remembered how heated Nora had gotten over the Mist Forest.

"Witch..." You mumbled under your breath.

Wasn't Nora upset about some Witch?

She also said  something about making a deal with a Witch.

You puzzled over the things you heard and try to piece together a coherent picture.

A Witch resides in the Mist Forest?

The image of a blanket blotched in blood stains surfaced before your eyes. It was the day you were born. You remembered the terrible state of Nora.

Did she really make a deal with a Witch?

'...Crazy lady?'

You put your head down and heaved a deep sigh.

"Ma, come back quickly."

Your head was hurting from thinking about everything. The puzzle had so many missing pieces. It was impossible to connect them.

With your mind blank and eyes closed on exhaustion, the silence of the cabin was more pronounced.

Your mind wasn't preoccupied with anything. Slowly it started digging up memories of the past better left buried.

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