50. Finding Happiness For You

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In your past life you resented Diana. A beautiful foreign dancer with her enchanting dance captured the heart of the Cold Emperor all the while you watched from sidelines. You helpless watched the man you loved the most fell in love with her while your feelings never truly reached him, were never acknowledged by him. You wanted to hate Diana but it was impossible. She was beautiful like a rose, free spirited like a bird, bright like the sun. There was nothing about her you could hate, so you resented her.

But that was then and this was now. As you stared into her shimmering rosy eyes filled with happiness with slight tinge of sadness, you could never resent her.

But that didn't stop the pain that flooded your heart. You had came prepared for all the heartaches and goodbyes and yet you were so unprepared to face it.

Diana's hands were on her stomach as she happily looked at you.

"We are having mini Diana soon, aren't we?" You exclaimed excitedly at her with a toothy grin.

Diana was taken aback and her excited face fell as though your words poured cold water on her excitement.

"How did you know that? Here I was waiting so eagerly to tell you!"

You couldn't help but stare at her as she sulked. You gaze went on her stomach that was quite visible.

How the hell do you miss that?! It's glaringly obvious she's pregnant!

You deadpanned and pointed at her bulging stomach poorly concealed under her oversized gown. "It's so obvious you can't even pretend not to see that!"

"...You're right." Her sullen face drew a laugh out of you. And Diana pouted at you. "You don't look all that shock."

"Of course I'm in shock!" You comically widened your eyes to emphasize. "Can't you see it? My wide shock filled eyes."

Diana pouted. "You're making fun of me, aren't you?"

You laughed at her sulking self. "It's fun poking at you. You look cute when you pout!"

Diana smiled and gently shook her head. "You haven't changed at all. Still the same eccentric girl."

"You bet I am!"

As you flashed her cheeky grin, she stared at you with complicated eyes as slowly her expression filled with hesitance.

Grasping that she had something to say but was reluctant, you quickly grabbed her hands and said softly, encouragingly. "Spit it out already! I came all the way here for you, so don't be stingy to vent out whatever is troubling you!"

Diana looked shaken before she gave you a teary smile. "Ah, saying such words so carelessly, you really don't have sense of mind. It makes me more guilty."

"Huh?" You tilted your head at her confusing words. What did she mean by that?

There was a strange emotion in her eyes almost as if she felt guilty of something. She opened her mouth hesitating, before finally blurting out.

"Do you who is the father?"

Your hands twitched as you kept the smile plastered on your lips, making sure it didn't waver regardless how rattled you were by that the single questions.

You tapped your chin in thought at Diana's probing stare. "I can take a guess. Hmmm. Let's see you live in Ruby palace and are doted by the Emperor. Hmm?"

Diana watched you with baited breath.

You mused, exaggerating your thoughtful expression and fist pumped in fake realization. "A-ha! I know who the father is. It's --wait for it--The Emperor!"

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