61. Unresolved Bitterness

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Playing with the stray strand of your sleeve, you absent-mindedly glanced around.

It was a bland, simple office, except for the books lined up on the walls and the work desk Claude sat behind, the room was practically empty.

So fitting for its bland master. You thought drily.

The scribbling sound continued, slowly lulling you into deep boredom and sluggishness.

It was hard to fight off the sleep and your restlessness.

You sighed again, slumping against the cushioned seat.

"Quit sighing,"

In response to Claude's monotonous command, you let out a long drawn sigh.

It ticked him off evidenced by the chilling glare.

"If your majesty is bothered by me, you should send me away." You suggested and shrugged your shoulder. "It's not like you need me anymore. I'm sitting here for the past hours doing absolutely nothing--"

"--But annoy me. Is it really hard to keep your mouth shut?" Claude cuts you off, commenting sarcastically without looking up from his work.

It kinda pissed you off.

"My mouth has a mind of its own. It likes to ramble off especially when bored." You shot him a small sarcastic smile.

Claude let out an indifferent hum, eyes focused on the documents. "I can certainly think of many ways to keep your mouth in check."

Still smiling sarcastically, you shook your head. "I'll pass. Your Majesty seems already busy enough. I don't want to waste your precious time."

"Time doesn't hold any meaning for me. I wouldn't worry about wasting it."

Third time. It was the third time a small bickering broke out. Of course, you were the instigator as usual. And Claude didn't back away from your method of getting under his skin. Finding his ways to get on your nerves.

It was bugging to no end why he didn't just kick you out. Your burnt hands were useless and he had to use them for any service. He was keeping you here for no reason.

The punishment was all but forgotten.

You stared at his concentrated expression. The earnest way he was focused on his work. There was an attractive quality to his working profile.

Damn him for being so irresistibly attractive.

You now knew he cared for you just the tiniest bit, it still didn't soften his nasty attitude toward you. Didn't soften the fear and resentment you had towards him.

You felt like smashing your head against the wall to harbour hope. But you couldn't extinguish it. You were unable to douse off the flickering hope because of your lingering feelings. And that made you angry. Yet hopeful.

The office fell silent again.

You started fidgeting. The silence always made you uncomfortable. You never liked it. Your mind in silence always went to dark places. Places you rather not visit. At all.

Your mind wandered off despite your efforts to keep it on a rein.

Travelling back in time, you came to a past to rewrite the tragedy, to prevent it from happening. Save Athy from dying from his tyrant father. Save yourself from dying at hands of the person you once loved.

It was still hard to believe such a thing could happen.

Your eyes glazed over as you stared into nothingness. Though you made peace with the fact that you could never see your parents, and never go back to the life you had, some corner of your mind still thought about. A life where you could be oblivious to a past that had ripped your spirits into bits and pieces.

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