26. Broken mind

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"Strange." He mused looking at you curiously and suspicion. "He never done that. Afterall he's a shy guy and keeps to himself."

Shy? More like hostile and guarded. You didn't voice it.

You felt like one wrong word and you'd feel in pit of vipers.

There foreboding feeling formed in your stomach. Growing strong each second.

Shit. You hoped he'd bring in your lie but he's too damn smart. Or he knows Claude well.

"Hmm. People change. He's not going to stay a shy guy forever. He had to start somewhere. Guess I'm the catalyst for his change." You shrug trying to come off nonchalant.

The blondie looked even more intrigued which served to make you more nervous.

When you turned to look in his sapphire eyes that's darker than Claude's, your heart skipped a beat....

"You look like Claude's doppelganger." You said conversationally even when everything in you was screaming you to run.

....But it wasn't out of awe. No. It was fear. A inexplicable fear you never felt before along with a strong wave of nausea.

He chuckled, his sapphire eyes glimmered. "That's a first. But I think you got it backward. Claude is born after me."

"No. Since I met him first, that's valid. I saw him first then you. So you're the doppelganger."

It was hard to talk. Your throat was clogging. Head muddled with fear you couldn't understand.

The guy let out a laugh.

You flinched in surprise. You could distinguish him and Claude easily. Claude didn't smiled nor laughed much but his brother was opposite. He has a smile plastered on his face and has hollow humourless laugh.

"Do you know me?"

Your heart was pounding. It took a while for you to understand the words. "Huh? Oh. Are you amnesiac?"

He smiled a bit strained. "No. Not in literal sense. But you know as in my identity?"

Your questions must have come off a sarcastic. You didn't mean to but whatever.

"How'd I know? You haven't introduced yourself. All I know is you're Claude's brother." You replied, feeling your nerves tingling. You never felt this nervous and anxious around anyone. It was honestly... sickening.

The blonde guy shrugged. A knowing smirk on his face.

"I've a feeling I won't need to introduce myself. You'll come to know very soon." His cryptic words sent you in confusion.

"Can I go? You got what you wanted." You said getting up. "There's no reason for me to stay." There was a heavy stone in your stomach; twisting and churning.

He smiled. "I'm hurt. Is my presence so intolerant to you?"


"....Alright. Suit yourself. Don't let me keep you here."

You didn't wait any longer. You were sure if you had stayed he'd have charmed or forced the truth out of you. Interrogating you in the most subtle way while gauging your reaction. He definitely was the manipulative type. And you hated it.

You ran quickly. The mixed unknown feeling making you dizzy.

You leaned against a tree when wave of dizziness washed over you. You breathing was ragged and heavy.

Whats going on?!

Your vision blurred. A series of image passed before you eyes so fast it was hard to grasp anything about it.  Your heart pounded even harder, bile raising up. A bitter taste on your dried tongue. Heart thundering in alarming pace. A force coming forth inside your brain like something was wiggling inside it, trying to force itself out.



Stench of blood...

Spark of black....


Excruciating pain...

You had wobbled passed the garden. The pain became too much, you fell on you knees throwing up. You crumpled form hunched over as you continued to throw up, the black blurred images still zipping fast infront of your eyes. Like someone had taken roll of film of pictures and turned it negative so you couldn't make out any thing or any face.

Black dot appeared in your blurry eyes. Your pounding headache turning into sharp sting. A wetness trickled down your nose.


A voice broke through the painful haze but your conscious was starting to fade. But you couldn't decide whether it was hallucination -- just any trick of your mind -- or the person was real? Or was it part of the jumbled images you mind conjured up? You weren't sure.

Before you could place the owner of the voice you promptly blacked out.


We finally met our punch-worthy Anastacius!! God I hate him so much and yet..... He shouldn't be this hot when I want to sock his face so badly!(-_- )ノ⌒┫ ┻ ┣ ┳

But oh- hohoho what's happening to reader? (͡°‿ ͡°)

And who was the person calling you?

Any guess?

Hope you like it. If you do push the like button!

Stay tuned for next chapter~~

Peace out (~‾▿‾)~

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora