10. Uninvited Farewell

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Maybe it was your exhaustion speaking but you envied Ether.

Ether was rolling around on the bed with no worries on his mind. And here you were drowning in words you barely could pronounce.

"Almost there," You mumbled. Your hand moved quickly as you went through your journal and noted down important notes to review later. Today's experiment was successful. Aside from a few difficulties, you were becoming quite an expert Alchemist.

The round table you were sitting on was filled with scattered scrolls and books. With vials of potion and elixirs. And your journal for experiment and observation.

"And I'm done for today!"

You stretched your sore arms and got up from the cramped place. You picked up the envelope and crashed on the bed.

You carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

You read through the letter. Diana's handwriting had improved a lot. At least now it was coherent unlike before how you felt you were decoding a cryptic code. A smile tugged on your face.

You peeked at Iseka who was sitting on a stool near the fireplace. Her hands were moving quickly as she knitted a new sweater to sell. Feeling your gaze, Iseka raised an eyebrow.

"Something's on my face?"

"Focused look looks weird on you, Nana. Usually, you have this grumpy look on your face."

"Shut it, brat."


You grinned at the grumbling Iseka and let out a sigh. There was no way you could go see Diana.

Ether stretched and let out a yawn before turning around and playing with the ball Iseka knitted for him. It was in tatters.

Despite Ether's magical abilities, it was hard to sneak out. Nora was very strict at keeping under surveillance. And when she wasn't around, Iseka took her place.

Twice a month visit was all you could manage. And even that was hard.

You gently folded the letter and put it in the drawer near the bed. 

Since the visit was hard to pull off, Diana resorted to sending letters. Though you could write a letter and send it to her anytime, it was impossible for Diana. She had to do it the normal way and the letter would take weeks to arrive.

There was something so exciting and intimate about sharing handwritten letters with her. It was a refreshing experience.

The times she visited, she would show the new dance moves she learned. You still remembered her wide-eyed expression when you showed her moonwalk. She couldn't decide whether to question your sanity or be amazed at the weird dance moves. You still had a good laugh about it.

Speaking of Nora, you looked at the time.

"Mom is late." You said out loud.

Iseka looked at the time and frowned. "Maybe she couldn't find a carriage."

"Mhm," You nodded.

For the past two weeks, you had this restless feeling for some unknown reason. Sometimes you would dream of things. You couldn't remember the content but the lingering remnants always left you feeling bitter.


Iseka's voice broke your thoughts.


You looked at her and waited.

"Have you finished the homework Nora gave you?"

You looked at the disorganized table and nodded. "Yeah, I'm done. I'll clean the mess in a minute."

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