23. Becoming Friends

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You frowned at the words.

Besides you, Claude has gone completely still. Face devoid of any emotions. His sapphire eyes dimmed until they looked pitiless and empty. You shuddered at his sudden change.

A lady in an extravagant crème gown was sneering down at Claude.

You could see a few ladies behind him snickering. While some looked uncomfortable and averted their eyes. But among them, you could a dark chocolate-haired lady with a malicious smile as she gazed at the scene with mirth. Her navy gown was extravagant and more gorgeous than others.

What the heck was going on? The lady completely ignored you, her disdain focused on Claude.

"Little darling, shouldn't you be kneeling in front of the Empress, licking her shoes for showing so much kindness."

What the-- You scowled but a warning look from Claude paused you.

The lady bent a little to show the ugly sneer on her face. "Here you are leeching off her without doing anything in return. Should you be slacking off instead of doing your duties? What an ungrateful child!" She scowled at calm Claude quite rudely.

Claude didn't react at all. Like her words didn't even reach his ears. Nor did his expressionless face waver.

But you were fuming, resisting the urge to remove your shoes and smack the lady across her ugly face.

"Leave it be, Lady Callisto. I don't want to ruin the mood because of some filth. Let's just proceed with our Tea Party" The Empress said glaring distastefully at him

Murmurs of the agreement were heard.

So her name was Lady Callisto.

She disdainfully looked at Claude and with a snort walked away. "You're right, my Empress. We shouldn't lose our precious mood on some lowlife."

Other ladies laughed and walked away.

"What a bitch!" You scowled.

Claude's brows shot up, a surprised look took over his stoic countenance.

You turned to him immediately. "Why did you let her talk to you this way? Even if you're a knight that doesn't give her the right to demean you."

His ice-blue eyes darkened and he frowned at you. "Don't talk like you know me. You don't understand a thing about me. I did what I did for a reason. If I had said anything in my defence, it only would've escalated the situation, making it worse."

You flinched at his starting words, hurt. Claude caught the look of hurt in your eyes, he looked away.

"And I'm used to it so it makes things easier. Easy to brush off their words and ignore them."

"You shouldn't be used to something like this! This is just wrong!"

Claude sighed, giving you a cold look. "You don't understand anything. You only arrived in the palace for what, one day? I've been living here all my life."

Why are you so cool and collected? Doesn't their words bother you? Hurt you? Or you've gone numb to it?

The thought was daunting and sad.

You bit your lips frustrated. It made sense what he was saying but you couldn't stop your blood from boiling. "Even so.."

You trembled and Claude watched you warily. "....I don't want her to get away with it. Insulting my friend on my watch, hell no! Hurting my cinnamon roll, oh HELL NO!!" You declared, fist-shaking as you pumped it up.

"C-cinnamon roll..?" Claude muttered giving you a look. "What does that even mean? She keeps calling me that..."

"She hurt my cinnamon roll. This calls for revenge! Did she really think she'd get away with it? No, this means war. I'll make her regret it. Hehehe" You muttered to yourself.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now