49. Reunion And Reconnection

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The sun was dipping between the clouds, colouring the sky a bright orange colour. The Empire of Volcanica was peaceful.  

At least that what looked like from outside. But one look at the late night pub and you would be convinced otherwise. The place was filled to brim with predators who thrived over money and thrill.

Your footsteps was lost in the mist of the loud chatter taking place in the special pub hosted for bounty hunters. The people present in the pub were roguish and menacing looking; each person a bounty hunter who kept their identity hidden under cloak and hoods. Most were drinking, celebrating the bounty the had hunted while some stood near the giant board which was covered with bounty posters and wanted criminals, looking for their next hunt.

You ignored them all and made your way to the bartender/owner of the pub.

"Here's the double-headed tiger's horn." You slammed the sharp, pure white horn on the counter with a grin.

Colt a bearded man in mid thirties grinned at you. He took the horn with delicate hands and put it away in a black box. Before going behind the counter to a well concealed door.

As you waited for him to returned, your mind started to wonder off. Two years. It's been two long years since you ran away from Obelia.

You still remembered the night very clearly. Panic, fear, despair had overwhelmed your rationality as you kept sprinting away. The first stop you made was Almayan village where you found that Iseka was dead. That's where you finally broke down, the past, the murder you witness, Claude descending in madness, everything that was eating away at you came out in ugly mess. You were left howling at the empty night with no one to console you. Like a helpless child left behind in storm.

When finally you had emptied your emotions, numb and blank minded you left the kingdom of Obelia and going beyond. You travelled aimlessly with no particular goal in sight. Travelling from one kingdom to another with nothing in sight.

But the past never left you. No matter how much you distanced yourself from Obelia, the despairing thoughts continued to haunt you. You knew even if you weren't there to witness it, the tragedy would still continue. The past you lived would become reality once again. Even if you ran away from everything, things wouldn't change. The people you left behind were the people you deeply cared for. Felix, Diana, lily, Athanasia and.....even Claude. If something were to happen to them you would never forgive yourself. You knew everything. But your small hands that wanted to protect them was just to weak to perform the deed. You were mentally still suffering, reeling from the traumatizing memories from past. Even if you turned back, you couldn't change anything with your weak, crumpled spirit.

Before the despair could drown you in feelings of inadequacy and helplessness, you didn't know whether it was miracle or pure fortunate coincidence.  You were attacked by a thug who wanted to murder you and sell your organs in the black market. Of course being the unstable mess you were, you just zapped him with electricity and the man was out cold. That's when another man came in introducing himself as bounty hunter Colt who was hunting the unconscious man for the hefty bounty he had on his head. He had offered you 20% commission for hunting the thug down for him.

At that moment life seem to return back to you. There was this golden opportunity standing before offering it's guidance. You decided to became a bounty hunter and become strong. You had time and with efforts you could change the future, your past had shown you. You could be strong and you could pull yourself back together. With that in mind, you asked the man's help for exchange of not taking his reward. He happily agreed and introduced you to the bounty hunters and it's connections. Soon after you became bounty hunter who hunted down monsters and criminals alike and collected money. You needed strength and money for the plan you had for the future. And becoming a bounty hunter made it lot easier.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt