63. A stifling topic

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Claude really wished that Felix would shut up. He's been going on and on about things he could care less.

"Isn't princess a such a bright child?" Felix happily said, standing beside Claude who sat on the sofa in a dim room after finishing dinner.

Claude didn't respond, looking at the piece of chocolate the child had unwittingly left behind.

Eventually he opened his mouth to remark sarcastically, "More like brazen. She must have gotten it from Diana."

A dull pain settled in him at the mention of Diana.

Claude paused before in a wry tone he said monotonously. "Then again that child has (Y/n) right by her side. I couldn't think of a more brazen, cheeky girl than her."

Felix wholeheartedly laughed. "I couldn't agree more. But that's what makes her more endearing." Felix smiled softly.

Claude scoffed. However he didn't argue with that. His past self would've agreed.

Memories flashed before his eyes and something in his chest tightened. Growing sharp and painful.

Diana... She was a deep cut in his heart. A wound he doubted ever would heal.

And you... His heart constricted painfully. He wondered how can mere mention of a person could bring him so much complicated emotions that threatened to plunge him into insanity.

"A year longer and I would've forgotten that wench's face." Claude said, bitterness lacing his monotonous voice. "A year longer and this stupid feelings would've stop tormenting me."

Felix's happy face fell into a pained grimace.

Claude ignored him. Inspecting the tiny piece of chocolate that had captured his attention.

A child who was his own flesh and blood. A child who before even being born destroyed his small happy world. A child he despised and yet...

"Did you enjoy your meal with princess?" Felix said cheerfully in hopes to deplete the somber atmosphere. "Isn't she truly a lovely princess?"

"...Lovely?" Claude let a out humourless snort, bring the small piece of chocolate to eyelevel to stare it in disinterest. "I've lost such emotions a long time ago."

Claude crushed the piece of chocolate and watched his stained hand indifferently.

Felix stunned, glanced at the broken frame of Penelope. He frowned before looking back at his brother.

"I know you still care for (Y/n). And I also know you're holding back because of Lady Diana." Felix said closely watching his brother. Claude stiffen, his blues eyes narrowed into sharp glare. Nevertheless Felix continued. "Your love for Lady Diana is making you reluctant to expect your feelings for (Y/n), isn't that right?"

"Felix.." Claude spoke in low threatening voice. Lips thinning and eyes narrowing into slits, he glared at Felix wordlessly warning him not to continue his next words.

Felix shook his head, a solemn look on his face. "Your Majesty, pretending you don't care for her isn't helping anyone. Not you. Not her. If anything you're forcing her to make decisions that would pain you and her greatly."

Claude eerily still figure made Felix pause few seconds at his next words, knowing how greatly it would impact him. "If you keeps this up one day you might lose her again."

Claude tensed up, expression darkening. His whole body locking up into tight coil.  His lips curled up in beginning of a snarl.

"Leave." Claude ordered through clench teeth, his darkening face laced into menacing glare.

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