88. A Old Tale Long Forgotten

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The world was an ever-changing place.

And time was something no one had control over. It continued to flow through the ever-changing world, mending and broking things in its wake.

For an immortal, whose life span exceed beyond the flow of time and was frozen and stopped in place, such a concept was a curse.

Such a curse was bestowed upon Celestria. One she had no control over and never asked for.

It's been a long time.

Really exhausting time.

The passage of time never stopped and it was a long time ago she questioned anything other than the vow she had taken.

When was the last time she felt a tinge of warmth for another? She couldn't remember. It's been a long time and her memories were starting to blur.

Celestria acknowledged she was tired. Time was starting to wear her out.

But she was hopeful.  Finally, finally, she could see her millenium-year-old plan coming together.

Everything was piecing together little by little. Bit by bit. Slowly and steadily.

It wouldn't be long before she could reunite with him.

The anticipation was like a slow poison. Celestria who had awaited for centuries, patiently weaving everything to form a coherent picture to fulfil her utmost wish, for the first time felt impatient.

Despite her fluctuating emotions, her beautiful visage was vacant. Eyes cold and dull continued to stare motionlessly toward the peaceful chattering of people in the garden.

You were unaware of the cold gaze, deep in your thoughts.

Stiff in posture, eyes warily following Claude talking to Athanasia, closely paying attention to how he treated her. His gentle pats on her head as she pouted at his remarks put a numb, almost vacant look on your face. The subtle shift in your expression was barely discernable, no one saw it.

No one but the mysterious being. Amusement sparked in dull indigo-hued eyes.

She noticed the conflicted emotions flashing in your eyes when Claude turned to you with a fond smile. And how you avoided his touch when he reached out to tug the stray strand away from your face, the latter stiffening in confusion and hurt.

Oblivious to the rising tension between them, others continued to laugh. Jennette's emerald eyes curved into a bright smile as she beamed at her father. Anastacius awkwardly shifted, letting a small smile show on his face for his daughter while sitting at the end of the table arrangements, far away from others, looking out of place.

Anastacius ignored the subtle hopeful glances of her daughter and niece. His now black eyes flickered to Claude who ignored his existence the entire time.

It's been only a week since they put on a grand show of executing the former emperor. When in reality, Claude as the Emperor had merely stripped them of their magic, cutting off their connection to the royal lineage. Which resulted in their signature royal golden hair and sapphire crystal eyes disappearing, reducing them to mere commoners.

Not once had they interacted with each other except to taunt and mock. If their eyes met, it was quickly diverted as if they couldn't stand each other. Though to outsiders it would seem like both brothers hated each other but it was far more complicated to just oversimplify their issues with mere hate. Such instances revealed the deep scars of the past, unhealed and raw as the day it was inflicted.

Reconciling with a hurting past wasn't easy. Especially when the one who inflicted the pain was a family member. Even time couldn't tell if such a thing was possible.

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