30. Future Plans

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"So this is where you live." You said as you gave the palace once over. It wasn't grand nor polished as you thought it would be but it was beautiful nevertheless.

And Claude lived here. It was the first time you visited here even though you lived so closed.

You snapped out of your trance when you saw you were left behind. You hurried after their distancing figures. "Hey, don't leave me!"

"Then try not to lag behind."

You puffed your cheeks, glaring at the pretty boy whose golden locks shined in the sunlight. You had an impulse to touch his hair but you resisted. Not wanting to agitate him further.

"You've freaking long legs. Mine is short!" You remarked, jogging up to them.

You threw a look at Felix's legs. "Especially Felix."

Felix jolted. "M-me?"

"Yeah, You're taller than any of us."

"I'm not short." Claude coldly replied offended. "The only person I see short is you."

"Hah! I'm still growing up, you know!" You said indignantly.

At his cold stare, you added. "And I never said you are. I'm just saying Felix has a few inches on you."

You tiptoed to Claude who paused and looked at you blankly.

"See I don't even reach to your chin." You said sadly. You were so close you couldn't help but admire his sapphire eyes that glowered with slight annoyance. You only reached below his chest, despite standing on your toes.

It must be the age difference but still, he was taller. And you could guess in the near future he'd even tower over you like right now.

Wahh! I'm such a midget! C'mon little me grow up faster!!

Next, you ran to Felix who was sweating and throwing a cautious look at Claude who had gone perfectly still.

"You're even taller than I thought." You exclaimed when you reached his chest just below Claude's. "Just like a gentle giant!"

Felix shrank back, cold sweats breaking on his forehead as Claude gave him a monotonous look, lips pressed together tightly.

"Let's just go."

He turned around with a cold face and marched off leaving behind you confused.

"What's gotten into him? So moody." You give his back a weird look.

Felix let out a nervous chuckle, internally screaming. He had a bad feeling that tomorrow's spar was going to be hell with him having broken bones. "D-don't worry about it."

You reached the palace with Claude still sulking secretly. Not that you could tell from his stoic face.

You walked in further, noticing the small cracks in the wall and ceilings. You huffed. They didn't even bother covering up just how much they hated Claude by showing discrimination against him. Compared to other palaces this place had significantly less grandeur.

You entered a room. Claude and Felix stepped in letting you admire the decoration.

You stepped in to find a single figure in the room. A brunette lady sat on the sofa, knitting something gracefully.

"You're back." She looks up and exclaimed happily seeing Claude and Felix. Her silver eyes brightened up.

"Annie bring in refreshments!" She ordered the maid nearby who scurried away to bid it

You sneaked a peek behind Claude. Jumped when you made eye contact with her.

"Oh my. Who is this cute little one?" Her silver eyes peered at me curiously as she smiled.
The maid came and put the refreshments consisting of cookies and pastries, fruits along with juices.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now