45. Broken Promise

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Roman sat in his office enjoying herbal tea when the door was banged open. He was so startled that the tea cup tilted and spilled on the documents arranged on the table.

Horrified he stared at it. It was the fourth time of the week that you ruined his hard work by barging in unannounced and giving him the shock of his whole life.

"Roman c'mon! I'm not a wild animal to be kept locked." You snarled at him, slamming your hand on the table.

"I can't help you with that." Roman for the hundredth time repeated tiredly.

"Please, Roman. I won't be able to see him for months if I miss today. Please do something."

Roman looked at you and adjusted his glasses glancing away. "Child, really I can't help. I'm a Healer, not a Magician. The multiple-layered barrier is not my cup of tea."

You walked towards the window and as soon as your hand touched the wall a violent spark flew off and burnt your hand. You jerked away with a pained hiss.

Son of a-- that bastard outdid himself.

Your shoulder slumped.  Your magic status was way too low to break through the barrier placed by the high-ranking magician. That's why you came to Roman as last resort. But he was no use.

Anastacius was true to his words. He indirectly kept you locked in the tower.

Ether walked to you with a limp and rubbed his whiskers against your outstretched palm apologetically. His hind legs were fractured and completely shattered. But with your healing magic, you were able to speed up the healing process. Even Ether got hurt trying to cross the barrier so there was no way you could bypass it thus you were stuck here for the past few weeks.

You looked out the window. Only a few more hours and they would depart. You didn't want to miss the chance.

And you had promised Claude that you would be there.

You bit your lips, chewing on them in agitation. How the hell do you break the spell cast by the head Magician? If you could somehow get him to break the spell it would help. But he wouldn't go against the order of the future Emperor.

You groaned in frustration.

Roman rearranged the documents wistfully gazing at his ruined work and imagining the work he had to redo again. His eyes followed your movements as you paced around the room in agitation.

"But if you want I'd negotiate with Head Magician Evan but I can't guarantee if he would cave in so don't get your hopes up."

You paused and turned to him with a big grin. "Thanks, old man! Maybe you aren't too bad after all!"

"I take it back! I won't go!" Roman grumbled as he sped and walked towards the exit. You followed him with a grin.

"Oh, you can't go back on your words now. It was a compliment. Compliment, old man. Feel fluttered, not angry!"

Roman left and you anxiously waited for him.

The blaring of war horns startled you and you anxiously looked back to the door.

"C'mon old man, hurry up."

Another horn sounded and your impatience thinned until it disappeared.

You couldn't wait long. You got close to the window and watched the protective magic shimmering on its frame.

Your hand reached inside your pocket. A green crystal softly glowed in your palm when brought it out.

It was a magic crystal. And a strong one at that.

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