13. An Outsider Playing Pretend

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There was once a child who dreamt of family and familial bonds. She endured taunts and mocks and numerous wounds to seek their acknowledgement.

No matter how miserable, sad, and angry she was, she held it in and endured it in hopes that someday her suffering would pay off and her family would recognize her as one of them.

So she continued to endure and endure until one day she realized.

No matter what she accomplished and how long she waited and endured, she would always be an outsider looking in, no better than a stranger to them.

With that, the young naive girl stopped dreaming and that fragile hope of having a family shattered like a delicate glass.

"--Maybe I'm a just cursed child...."

Your eyes flashed open and you sat up with a gasp.

You held your throbbing head and panted for air.

"Dammit, that dream again..."

Dreams that kept persisting day in and day out. They had no definite shape or anything you could remember. All you could recall was the remnants of alienation and sadness.

Rattled by the dream, it took you a while to notice a rough texture scratching at your arm.

You looked down and scowled immediately.

Ether was ripping at the seam of your pajamas. Clawing and scratching it as if it were the most delicious thing.

"Stop it, Ether. You already ruined so many of my clothes. Leave my precious pajamas alone. Don't add one more to the list!" You pushed him away with a grumble.

Displeased with you for intervening with his playtime, Ether jerked away and bit your wrist.

"Ow! Come here, you little shit--"

Ether quickly dodged your hands and went back to the little bed you made. Rolling into a ball, his eyes gleamed as he looked at you with an arrogant expression.

"Ha!" You scoffed at your cat.

The arrogant expression grew even more smug.

"Brat," You muttered rubbing the bitten wound.

"Meow," Ether rolled over his stomach and ignored you, licking his paws.

"Seriously," You rolled your eyes when Ether innocently blinked his eyes at you.

Ether didn't like it here. The Manor was enclosed, filled to the brim with servants and guards. Unlike the open space in the village.

Here he was trapped like a bird in a cage. Just like you were.

So to entertain himself, he would cause trouble occasionally. And the worst part was that the responsibility fell on you.

You plopped back on the bed and closed your eyes.

It'd been a week since you came to Judith Manor.

Awkward and difficult were the only words you could describe your stay here.

The House of Judith was every bit aristocratic and you felt immense disconnect here. It was completely different from the life at the village.

Well, you wouldn't complain. Things could've been worse.

It was very common for people with low status, especially poor people to get treated like dirt. Mistreatment and abuse were normal among the aristocrats.

There was some consideration in the way they treated you. How long it would continue? Only time could tell.

It was too early to pass judgment and let down your guard.

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