62. Little Meet Up

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Athanasia tiptoed into the kitchen, having strong craving for chocolate in her depressed mood. She reached for the top shelf, grinning as her fingertips touched something.


Athanasia shrieked when suddenly someone grabbed her shoulders.

She turned around with a scared look only to see you cackling.

She pouted, "(Y/n)!"

"Pfft-- you should've seen your face," You grabbed your stomach cracking up more. "It was priceless!"

Athanasia puffed up her cheeks, feeling embrassment and angry.

You sobered up only to break into laugh again at her cute pouty face.

"Now, now don't make that face. I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you." You wiped your mirthful tears away and gave a mischievous smile. "You snuck into the kitchen for chocolates, right?"

Cheeks flushing, Athy nodded eagerly.

"Me too!" You smirked when she brighten up. "Yes, my lovely adorable Athy, we're partners in crime. So let's us commence our crime together."

You gleefully reached for the chocolate basket. Giving one piece to Athy and popping another in your mouth.

"Delicious!"Athy exclaimed.

"I know, right?"You agreed. "Let's sneak out before lily cAHhhhh!"

You screamed when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Terrified you spluttered, "Oh g-ghost of kitchen please spare me. I haven't lived my life yet. I have yet to experience my teen romance, please don't kill me--"

"Uh, (Y/n) it's me. Lily."

Athy snickered at your expense. Quickly eating her chocolate she innocently blinked at Lily.

Instant Karma is a double faced bitch!

You turned around with a wry grin. "Hahaha. I wasn't scared. I was just practising my horror movie actress skill. That's all."

Lily huffed out a amused laugh. Shaking her head she gestured you and Athy to follow her.

Placing a last chocolate in Athy's palm you wink at her. You whistled innocently when Lily narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Greeting, your Highness."

You watched dumbfounded when dozens of maids bowed infront of Athy. Beside you Lily and Athy too were dumbfounded.

"Um, what's up, Felix?" You asked unsure only to be startled when he got on his knees and smiled warmly at Athy.

"Felix Robane at your service."
Felix said. "I'll be your temporary royal guard starting from today, princess."

Your jaw dropped. Claude sent the only person he trust to protect the child he presumably hates? What the hell!

"We are grateful for his majesty's concern but how can we have sir Felix as guard..."

Felix's smile became even more warm if possible. "His majesty intention is to cherish the princess and treat her well."

I call it pure bull! You thought scowling then you wavered recalling yesterday's incident.

You looked at your hands which were completely healed and bit your lips contemplating Felix's words.

Treat her well...?

Everyone had dumbstruck look on their faces. Eyes wide with disbelief.

Shaking off the strange feeling in your gut, you jumped into the conversation.

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