22. Not friends.

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"....What are you doing here?

The leaves rustled as the breeze blew. Claude looked at you expectantly, his golden lock swaying on his forehead, his sapphire eyes glowing in the sunlight. It put you in a trance. The mesmerizing jewelled eyes, you could look at them forever.


You coughed to focus. "That's my line. Did your mana act up again and dumped into a random place?"

He flinched slightly before blatantly ignoring your questions. "I asked the question first, so answer."

So bossy!

"Well, I want to answer first." You said haughtily. Two could play the game.

He stared at you. His cold sharp sapphire eyes glimmered with irritation.

"Okay, okay! Fine. Geez, don't glare at me like that." You caved in sighing. This kid is scary~~~

You start explaining to him and once finished, Claude's nose scrunched in confusion.

"The king summoned you?" Claude asked surprise laced in his usually monotone voice while his cold look wavered too.

"What's with the surprised tone? I get it. I don't look like I'd have special talent but geez."

"...No it's not that. It means bad news for you." He said vaguely a conflicted look on his stoic face. Like he was contemplating whether he should elaborate or not.

"You are scaring me with your cryptic words." You laughed nervously already catching the hint.

"You should be." His monotonous voice had a sharp warning.

The fear and apprehension gripped you harder than the one you tried so hard to push down. The uncertainty of the unknown was grappling.

You swallowed hard. "What do you mean by that?"

He shrugged. "Well, you must have heard stories about the King. Take a guess."

Of course, you could take a guess. The stories of the cruelty of the king had spread far and wide, filling the hearts of the listener with fear. You were no exception.

"I'm just saying don't let your guard down." He said in low voice before muttering to himself. "Why am I even warning? Not like this little girl could understand what I mean."

Oh, you could understand. You didn't want to but you did. But he was right for a nine-year-old, she couldn't read between the lines. And you needed to keep up that facade.

"You trying to scare me away right? Hmph. I won't fall for it."

He sighed like he expected you to react that way. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

You changed the subject. The fear and discomfort were getting too strong for you to indulge in more. "Well now, tell me now why are you here? Was my hunch correct? Have you dropped here because of the malfunction of your mana?"

"No." He deadpanned. "I live here."

"Live here?" You blinked. "Are you a knight in training too?"

"Too? Do you know someone?" He cocked his head, golden locks gliding to the side with the action.

"Yes, his name is Felix. The sweetheart who helped me when I got lost in this ridiculously big palace. A true knight he will be, I tell you." You said proudly, recalling the genuine kindness of the red-haired boy.

"So you know Felix."

"Huh? You're acquainted with him too?" You slapped your forehead. "That was a dumb question. Of course, you will be. Since you both are training to be knights."

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now