76. Love Is Trust

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"Oh, c'mon!"

"I said no. Stop nagging me already."

You puffed your cheeks, agitation clear on your face. You were in a pretty tight spot. To discuss Lawrence without triggering Claude was impossible. And triggering Claude might as well be poking a sleeping dragon.

However, meeting Lawrence was crucial since your past with him was unsorted. Doing that without getting Claude upset was a hopeful wish, given his immediate cold reaction at the mention of Lawrence. But there were times you needed to step your foot down and do what was necessary. And now certainly was one of those times.

"Claude, don't be like this. I already told you, it's important I meet Lawrence. We have unfinished business I need to sort out. Give the closure we both need to move on with our lives."

Claude thinned his lips, eyes coldly gleaming in warning not to pursue the topic further. His posture was tense as was his aura.

You shook your head, casting a glance at the flower field where Lucas and Athy were playing. They were oblivious to the tension drifting between you and Claude. You hoped it'd stay that way.

"Claude, please. I promise it won't take long. I'll be back in a jiffy."

"No," Claude mercilessly cut down your plea, a cold glare fixed on his face. "I don't care what business you've with that traitorous bastard, you're not leaving my sight."

A sharp emotion flashed across his face and he pursued his lips in a hard line, face cold and uncompromising.

You were exasperated and frustrated to the point where you wanted to throw your hands up and walk away from this ridiculous situation.

"It doesn't look like you'd agree to my request," You said dejectedly, eyes disappointed as you peered at him, shoulders hunched over. Claude rigidly straightened up in his chair, suspicious and wary at your relentment.

Taking a deep sigh, you steeled your nerve and stood up. Claude wearily followed your movements, cold eyes filled with an underlying sharp emotion you couldn't discern.

His silent piercing eyes drilled into you and almost you cave in from his intimidating aura. Almost.

"Sorry Claude, but this time I have to risk upsetting you. I need to meet Lawrence even if it meant going against your wishes." You said firmly, slight dismay laced in your voice. If Claude wasn't going to yield then you had no choice but to choose to go against him. Meeting Lawrence was a must, the emotional turmoil inside you wouldn't go away until you'd settled things with him.

Claude tensed up, a flicker of surprise and something fearful flashed in his eyes. It quickly faded away, hidden and buried under layers of aggression and malice, it left you wondering what was going on inside his head. His face darkened. "You'd go against me? For him? Is he that important to you?"

You stood rigidly, pursuing your lips. "Of course not, you're the most important to me but right now meeting with Lawrence is definitely taking priority..."

Claude clenched his teeth, jaws twitching as he glared coldly at you, the tension in the air thickened, becoming palpable enough to touch. But you refused to back down.

"Ha," Claude let out a snort, tilting his head to the right as amusement filled his cold gaze. An ominous chill ran down your spine.

"What's so funny?" You asked defensively, voice cracking in confusion.

Claude didn't reply. His silence further fuelled your wariness as he stood up and made his way to you, each step eerily slow and calculated.  Mind churning into overdrive, you wondered if you made a mistake. Maybe you should have just snuck out to meet Lawrence in secret. You immediately shook your head and reprimanded yourself. Claude deserved to know and you didn't want to lie to him.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now