12. Call Of Fate

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After what seemed like an eternity the door finally opened and everyone walked out.

Your smile faded away and you sat up straight and clutched Ether tightly.

Iseka's face was unreadable as she looked at you. Agatha and Pierce looked remorseful as they stole glances at you. While Lionel gave you a small meaningful smile.

Your heart sank.

Something was wrong. You had a bad feeling about it.

Iseka stopped before you and placed a rough hand on your head. It was her usual touch but for some reason, you wanted to shrink away from it.

"Child, this man here.."

Iseka paused and took a deep breath. Her expression looked like she swallowed a bitter pill.

"Child, meet your new guardian Lord Lionel. From today onwards he will take care of you." Iseka said pointing to the man beside her.

The man ignored her rude gesture and smiled at you.

"Hello, child. We might have met in unfortunate circumstances but I hope you will get along with my children and family."

Woah. Hold up, what the hell was he babbling about?

Iseka looked away from him almost in disgust.

"I have packed your essentials and some of Nora's for you. You'll leave in a few hours once Lord Lionel prepares to depart."

Though she was talking to you, she felt far away. Almost like a huge wall was standing between you two.

Iseka's monotone voice gritted on your ears and you tried to make sense of the situation.

They were sending you away? Away from the place and life you grew up?

You shook your head in disbelief. "What? Nana, I don't understand. Where am I going?"

And so suddenly. Wasn't it too soon? You had just lost Nora and they want to kick you out?

Iseka let out an annoyed sigh. "This person is going to be your guardian and you're going with him to live in the capital. He will take care of you from now on. Is that a simple enough explanation for you to understand?"

You gaped at her in disbelief. "What do you mean by going away?! I have spent my entire childhood here! This is my home, Nana! How can you send me away without asking me first?!"

For a moment you felt like your words had reached Iseka but her eyes soon turned cold. "Don't you get it? No one wants you here. The moment Nora died, your home here was gone alongside her. You have no place here. You're merely an orphan no one wants to take care of."

You flinched at her harsh words.

You opened and closed your mouth in hurt and uncertainty.

"What..what about you, Nana? You don't want me here either?"

"I'm not your mother."

Something in you broke and you stared at her silently.

Iseka averted her eyes. "Look, child, this is the reality. No one in this village wants you here. If you stay here, you will be considered a nuisance. Nothing more."

You bit your lip.

"Do you want to stay here and endure the scorn of the villagers?"

You looked at Pierce and Agatha and they averted their gaze with an anguished expression.

Ha! They weren't going to help you either. Not when they convinced Iseka to send you away.

"Give it up, brat," Iseka said through gritted teeth, she refused to look at you. "Everyone here is a stranger to you now. Go with that kind gentleman and he will treat you as a family."

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