51. Last wish and Goodbye

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"Wake up (Y/n)!"

A voice tugged at you, taking you away from the suffocating feeling of being drowned. Your head was heavy as you tried to open your eyes. Eyes sluggishly opened to see Diana leaning over you with a giddy look.

"Ah, I don't mind being woke up by your lovely face but somehow your crazy smile is making me feel something bad is gonna happen..." You murmured groggily still reeling back from the nightmare.

Diana's giddy smile only widened at your dreadful tone.

You were quickly ushered to refresh and have your breakfast before you were brought back to Diana's room.

Ces, Hannah and Lily were present in the room too. You were getting real bad feeling about the small gathering.

"You're not planning my murder, are you?" You asked with a stiff smile.

Diana hurriedly shook her head and her twinkling eyes sparkled even more intensely.

"You said you wanted to make me happy, right?!" Diana asked, making you the target of her sparkling eyes.

You flinched and slowly confirmed. "Yes. But I hope you won't make me regret my words."

Diana ignored your words and happily showed you something sparking.

You gazed at it with blank look. "Diana why are you showing me your clothes...?"

"I can't fit in them anymore. I miss wearing them. So I thought what if you wore them for me." At her excited words you paled into white sheet.  "I always wanted to see how you would look in them!"

You shook your head vehemently, taking several steps back from her flashy two piece.

"N-nope. I'm not going anywhere near that...that thing."

Diana gave you puppy eyes. "You won't do it for me?"

Ces looked at you with judgemental eyes. "Are you ignoring your friend's wish?"

"Lady (Y/n) is such a mean girl." Hannah sighed disappointed.

Lily added in. "Lady Diana was so excited for it too."

"Not you too, Lily!" You yelled, astonished.

Diana's puppy eye's shoot sparks at you making you wince back.

Nooo!! Not the puppy eyes!

You closed your eyes, her puppy eyes rendering you helpless. Seeing your weak face, her puppy eyes intensified, making you kneel before her power.

"Ah, this is not what I signed up for!!"

You reluctantly took her clothes. You briskly sized it up. The dress--if you could call skimpy strap of cloth dress was too big. Your short frame definitely wouldn't fit into them.

"This is too big for me." You said not hiding your relief. "Sorry Diana, better luck next time."


You robotically turned to your sinisterly smiling cat. "E-Ether no.."

His white twin tail glowed and the clothes in your hand shrank in size. Much to horror, Diana shouted in victory while you gaped at Ether with petrified look.

"Just you wait Ether, I'll get back at you." You said tearfully, clenching your fist towards him.

You used the restroom to change and your cheeks flushed once you put it on. It was bit too revealing for your liking. Form fitting, showing the length of your legs and your bare collarbone in sharp contrast. You shrank back, cheeks flushing.

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