6. A Otherworldly Companion

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open with a groan. Disoriented from the fall, you blankly stared at the ceiling, unable to fully register your surroundings.

The ground felt hard and uneven underneath you. The sound of something dripping echoed loudly. The air was cold, murky, and stale.

It took you a few seconds to compose before gulped and sat up straight.

Memories came slamming back like a lightning bolt.

You slapped a hand against your face and groaned.

"What was I thinking, chasing after a suspicious creature? An insect at that!"

Quietly reprimanding yourself, you looked around.

You were in a cave. It explained the loud bouncing noise that amplified and echoed around and the stale air that blew.

What shocked you more was the pulsing green-tinted crystals that jutted out of the ceiling and the walls. It pulsed like a heartbeat, illuminating the dim area.


You gulped. The green crystals were the only source of pitch dark cave.

If it weren't for them, you were sure you'd be encapsulated in complete darkness.

"I should get one for myself.." You muttered, scrutinizing the area for danger.

So with the extremely cautious grit, you strode towards the uneven walls of the cave and stopped in front of it.

You looked at the green-tinted crystals that seemed to pulse in sync with your beating heart.

It was a little freaky.

You cautiously stretched your index finger and poked it. The contacted area rippled like water before resuming its original state.

"Amazing..." You breathed out.

You did it again only to see the same results.

"What is this?" You asked and freaked out when your voice bounced off the walls and came back. Calming down your racing heart, you inspected the crystal. "Mana crystal?"

Narrowing your eyes, you looked closely at the pulsing crystal. Suddenly you saw a moment inside the crystal. Startled, you took a step back.

"What?" You hadn't even touched the surface for it to make movements.

Ignoring the chills running down your entire body, you bend your back and look again.

Nothing happened at first before the inside of the crystal once again fluctuated. Then something formed. An image; a badly distorted image of a small village.

Squinting your eyes, you could see a village and people moving on and about like ants. Rather than villagers, they looked more like tribal people from the looks of the clothes and weapons they carried.

Everything looked so outdated, almost as if the era belonged to ancient times.

"What is this?"

You couldn't understand what was happening inside the crystal. You thought they were mana crystals but you never heard of recording crystals.

Confused, you continued to look.

The recording was blurred and was glitching badly. It was hard to make out the faces of the people.

You moved to another crystal, hoping to see some clarity.

The recording was the same as the first crystal. Blurred and glitchy. The only difference was the content inside it.

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