8. A Strange Friendship

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"Do I have to learn all this stuff, Mom?"

Sitting at the round table with Nora, you complained. A breeze flowed in from the wide open window, sunlight casting a warm glow on the table and on the piles of books and scrolls surrounding you.

Nora paused her explanation about a certain plant and its unique formula and looked at you.

"Are you bored already, dear? We just started."

"I don't wanna learn this." You puffed your cheeks. "Everything's so complicated and the names are so hard to memorize!"

"But you have to. What's an alchemist without proper knowledge of medicine? How are you supposed to help people when they call for you?"

You grumbled at the frowning face of Nora. "Being a Healer is hard and boring! Why can't I become a seamstress like Nana? Or a florist! We have so many pretty flowers growing here and I know all of them! Or maybe something else. Just not that!"

Nora put down her quell and frowned. "Being an alchemist is different than being a Healer, dear. Yes, what I am teaching you primarily specializes in medicine and healing, so you can say it's similar to being a doctor or herbalist. And everything is difficult at first. I'm sure over time you'll come to enjoy it."

You shrank away from her stern expression, grumbling under your breath.

"But I don't wanna. It's boring,"

Nora patted your head with a smile. "We can change to a more interesting topic if you're finding the current one boring. There's a lot to learn in alchemy. I'm sure you'll find something of your interest."

Iseka who listening to the back and forth stopped her sewing and let out a loud sigh. "Leave the child alone, Nora. Give her some time. Maybe wait until she becomes a little more mature to understand complicated things."

Nora shook her head. "Wait? It'll be too late. I won't be around forever. I want to share my knowledge with her. Is it so wrong that I want my child to learn everything from me?"

You felt a tinge of tension envelop the room.

You internally sighed. "Not again."

"Why must you take everything I say so negatively? Do you see the child? She's still young. She should play and be mischievous, not cooped up in her tiny house, being forced to learn things she's not ready to."

Things were getting a little heated.

Was it that much of a big deal to become an alchemist? You found it boring.

"Of course I understand. I just thought it would be better to start teaching early. I didn't mean to put pressure on her." Nora defended herself.

"You're putting unnecessary strain on her, whether you acknowledge it or not."

Nora's face darkened, a crease forming between her brows.

Iseka pointed a finger at you and you cringed at being singled out all of a sudden.

"Child, go play outside. Don't go past the fence. Stay near. Go."


You immediately raced to the door and were out before Nora could protest. You could hear them bickering behind you.

You took a deep breath. "Why do they always fight? I should've kept my mouth shut."

You were lamenting when you felt a soft touch on your leg and looked down.


You crouched down and picked up him. "Where were you? I didn't see you around the entire day. Don't just disappear like that. I was worried."

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