48. In Love With A Fairy

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Word travelled fast about Claude killing his brother and usurping the throne. Claude was worshipped as Saint by everyone for freeing the Empire from tyranny of previous Emperor.

But not everyone was happy with the new Emperor. Rebels and revolts rose against the new Emperor being a illegitimate child. Greedy nobles lusting after the throne, took advantage of the situation and launched attacks on the new Emperor but none succeeded. Only bodies piled up and blood spilled until Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia's power and fear was established. None opposed him again.

Claude introduced new policies while the old ones where dissolved. Black magic was banned, slavery had dead penalty, and many more beneficial protocols were established. The people were happy with the new rules and the Emperor being a good ruler spread wide and far. Respect and fear grew tremendously for him. Some worshipped him while some feared him. He became Saviour of the poor and tormentor for the nobles.

Displeased nobles who were against the new protocols were swiftly handled by Claude who during council meeting simply disintegrated the table and the nobles went pale in submission and fear.

Despite the cheers and praises, Claude fell in deep boredom while managing the Empire. He had chaotic time; he felt glad for the admiration from his people but didn't felt a single ounce of emotions for himself. Nothing penetrated his icy numbness that stuck to him like second skin. He felt empty like a shell.

So he sought other ways to entertain himself and started indulging in women who threw themselves at him for his wealth and power. The boy who never shown interest in opposite gender before; only instincts he had was survival, started openly indulging in debauchery.

Each night a new woman. His playboy lifestyle became quite well-known. Claude's dark and elusive personality attracted women to him like moth to flame. Nations wanting in his good grace sent beautiful concubines to him. Claude knowing their insidious motives never turned away from them. Just to spite them, Claude used them for one night of pleasure and completely discarded them the next morning.

Though that didn't stop the flood of attractive women trying to seduce him. They all hoped they could charm their way past his cold exterior and win over his heart. And tame the monster that the Emperor was.

But Claude was astute enough to be more than aware of it. Claude was bemused, really. Did they really think he was so swallow to let a pretty face sway him? Maybe once he was but not anymore. He had learnt his lesson the hard way.

Claude had his trust broken repetitively. He wasn't going let it happen again. He had grown extremely distrustful and wary of emotions and people. He swore never to trust another being and closed his heart shut behind walls and walls of iron shield. Never again would he be vulnerable enough to let anyone take advantage of him.

None could touch the heart of the cold Emperor and those who tried failed miserably.

That was until she came along.

"She's a humble dancer from Siodonna. She would dazzle the banquet. Aren't you curious?"

Back then he didn't realise how true those words were when he permitted to it. All he thought was another woman and another night of fun.

After constant nagging from Felix about showing up in public, Claude finally hosted Imperial banquet. Nobles came to attend the rarely held banquet along with many beautiful women to seduce the Emperor.

Apathetic Claude sat on his throne, looked down at the crowd and clicked his tongue. "Too noisy."

Felix now his personal guard stood beside him, sweat-dropped at his dry words. "You're the host, sire please act like one."

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