97. Unchained

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Time meant nothing to an immortal. The ebb and flow of life mad death mattered even less.

But there was once a time when she loathed the fragility of life. How easily it could be stolen by death.

By bringing back the dead to life, she had endured centuries of struggles.

There were many times doubt had rendered her immovable. In the long journey of her life, times she had found herself frozen in place with a simple thought, "Is it worth it?"

Even so, she dragged her heavy feet and continued. How many lives had she taken, trying to find a perfect substitute? How many cries of desperation, of mercy had she ignored so her won selfish wish could come to fruition?

The smile that saved her had blurred over time. But the burning warmth was seared in her mind.

So to chase that warm smile she stomped on countless lives, destroyed many more, and finally found the child she was searching for.

Shadows blurred as she gazed down at the dim soul in her hand. The soul was long gone and deteriorated through the passage of time. The only thing that remained was an empty husk.

She looked at the World Tree. The World Tree swayed as if to gently answer her doubts. She was its beloved child, though she considered herself cursed for receiving its love. One thing was crystal clear, it would not lie to her. She looked down again. In the distance, she could hear a sorrowful weeping. Her mind shattering with each breathless crack in the voice.

The person she dearly loved was long gone.

Time had mercy on no one. Anything that existed within the passage of time would inevitably deteriorate and rot until nothing but memories remained which too would eventually be forgotten meeting its end.

The soul she was desperately trying to resurrect had deteriorated and rotten away over a long passage of time until nothing but an empty husk remained.

The person she loved was long gone.

She was the one who foolishly kept hoping to bring him back. She was the one who looked away from the truth.

Celestria was a cursed child. Magic was bestowed on her alongside misfortunes. Abandoned by her parents, and shunned by her village, she was hunted down like a animal.

But one person. That one person chased after her, not with pitch and fork, demanding her life but love and flowers, begging to be let in her heart.

She loved that person who sincerely had shown her care and love when the world had turned its back on her.

That was ripped away by that same hateful world.

The only person who loved her unconditionally was murdered for loving her and she was left alone again.

The curse of immortality. Her inability to die and be one with her beloved was a burden she couldn't bear. Her spirit had shattered along with her heart.

She yearned to destroy the loathsome world that took away her beloved. So she destroyed and spread suffering and grief until she found herself becoming the very thing she despised.

Still, she hoped to be reunited with her love.

But now.. now that the truth was bearing down on her, making her unable to look away, just what should she do?

"Open your eyes...please,"

A sorrowful demand and a despaired begging, strangled by choking sobs.

Celestria lifted her head and looked at the crying child.

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