55. Fate or Rotten Luck?

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"Nanny, nanny Athy wants chocolate!"

Hannah was awe struck at adorably cute Athy asking her for chocolate.

Hannah shook her head, trying her hardest to resist against the five years old child's charms.

"Headmaid Lily told me strictly to not give you snacks, your highness."

Athy pouted leaning forward, "But Athy is sad and Athy wants choco to be happy. Won't you give Athy choco, nanny?"

Hannah shivered, averting her eyes as she tried to not give in. Just as she thought she couldn't resist and would give in, a voice interrupted them.

"Ah, here you are Hannah."

You walked to them and said in relief. "I been searching for you all over the place. Damn this ridiculously big palace! Anyways, Lily's asking for you."

Hannah sighed in relief and threw a last look at dejected Athy before zooming away hastily.

You looked at her distancing figure, confused before popping chocolate in your mouth as you muttered, "What's up with her?"

"Wahhh! You ate Athy's choco?!"

You jolted, "Eh?"

"That's Athy's choco! You ate Athy's choco!" Athy shrieked in horror as she pounded her tiny fist against your thigh.

"H-huh?" You blinked in confusion at big accusing eyes before putting your hands up in surrender, unfazed and amused by her cute assault. "I sneaked it from kitchen. I didn't know it was yours, Athy."

"Hmph! Athy won't talk to (Y/n)! Athy's mad at you!" She turned her back on you with a pout.

"Oh c'mon. You won't talk to your favourite person."

Athy puffed out her cheeks, stubbornly looking from you.

You chuckled at her adorableness before humming, "Alright, if that's what you want. Here I thought I'd share this last piece of choco but I guess I'll just give it to Ether."

Athanasia perked up instantly and quickly turned to you with big sparkling eyes. "No! Athy wants it! Give it to Athy!"

"But you aren't mad at me?" You questioned, bending down to poke her chubby cheek.

"Athy isn't mad at you anymore!" Athanasia quickly kissed your cheeks as her puppy eyes shot million stars at you. "Athy loves you! The most!"

You chuckled as you handed Athanasia chocolate. She beamed in earnest and gulped down the chocolate, making cute happy noises.

You could only smile at the sight of her puffed up cheeks and content expression.

"Athy, you love chocolates more than me! You little liar!" You grabbed by her sides and roughly rubbed your cheeks against her, making her squeal.

"A-Athy don't lie!"

"But you did, you adorable little liar!"

Your laughter died down. Athy squirmed in your hold before jumping away and sticking her tongue at you.

You joking brought your hands up and made grabby tickling gestures.

"You shouldn't give her highness snacks. Headmaid Lily is going to be mad at you."

And your fun time was ruined by cold voice of Ces.

"Ack!" You jumped in fright before pointing at her in accusation. "You scared me! What's your ninja level sneak attack?! I didn't see you coming!"

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